Dojo's Guests

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Everyone is now over at my place to give Nana-San the house to herself. The girls are sleeping in my room and the boys will be in the guest room.

"Hey. May I rank Emi-Nee?" Fuuta asked.

"Sure. I want to know my ranks too" I said.

He looked up and small things started floating.

"What would you like to know?" He asked.

"What am I number one at?" Was the first thing I asked.

"You are number 1 with Tsuna-Nii at being accepting of others out of 1,207 people, being loyal out of 1,283 people, being caring out of 2,300, and you're first for your heart out of 11,709" he said. "Those are some great characteristics."

"Really. That's cool" I said

"You're also 20th in procrastination out of 1,000"

".... hehehe yeah. I'm trying to get rid of that" I gave a small laugh.

Eventually things fell and he took out his ranking book and took down the results.

I picked up the things that started floating and we went to bed after a few more hours.

The next morning I woke up everyone and we got dressed. Bianchi brought Lambo, Fuuta and I-pin to school. Tsuna and I left. We were going to go eat at Tsuna's but when we got there, Nana-san was sleep still. Reborn must've turned off her alarm to let her sleep in. I had made a small breakfast. A little oatmeal. I love oatmeal.

The day went as usual with the addition to the 'mysterious' bullying. Actually, the rest of the week and the week following, it continued. It didn't bug me too much. It was definitely annoying but I could deal with it.

Today so far nothing's happened. It's Monday, two weeks since it started. I walked into class and sat in my seat. Tsuna and Enma talked to me.

"Emi-San. How do you think you'd do on the tests today? I'm probably going to fail" Enma said.

"I know with this test, I'm taking the top of the class back from you" Gokudera huffed. After the second week of school, I stole the top spot in class. And apparently, Gokudera-kun had that spot. We have the same grade, but he lost it because of his behavior which was an F and his projects weren't done. He started doing them afterwards. He sees this as a challenge.

"I'd like to see you try. And I feel fine. It will be easy. And don't look down on yourself Enma-kun. You got 9/10 questions on each of the practice tests yesterday. You'll do fine" I pat his shoulder.

"These tests will be annoying. Why do I have to take them?" Yuki let out a huge sigh. Joi seemed fast asleep. And Kei just starred at me.

"Wha?" I asked in English.

"Just wondering what you think of the bullying? You seem unfazed but normally someone would go after the person. Did you?" He asked with a huff.

"No. I just don't care. Bullying is just stupid so there is no reason to give into it." I shrugged.

He turned right in his seat and the teacher came in. It was just homeroom so there was no teacher before but now it was test 1.


After the first few tests, we had lunch. Yamamoto started bringing me some sushi from his store. Compliments from his father. It started small with some that he thought I'd like. And I did.

I got to the roof to eat. Reborn had something for Tsuna to do and Enma was with his familiga somewhere else. Gokudera was with Tsuna and Yamamoto was with the baseball team. The girls had their thing so I was alone on the roof.

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