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The video has nothing to do with the story. I just want to leave it here for you guys. It's one of my favorite songs from BTS. I made a small list in my bio but, honestly, it's hard to choose so I went with an MV song and this is one of my faves. Hope you ARMY enjoy. If you are not ARMY and are totally lost, take a listen. You may enjoy. If you do like, YouTube has English subs and fans make lyric videos. (To all, i suggest you read all the way through. Even A/N at end, if you usually don't.)


Early the next morning, Hinata was shaking me awake.

"Emi-san, it's time to get up. Get your things ready." She said sweetly.

"Otay." I said in English, sluggishly.

She smiled and left my room. I sat up and stretched. I had most of my things together last night so it was a simple morning.

I got dressed and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I walked into the kitchen with my bag on my shoulders.

"Are you ready? We can have breakfast first if you'd like." Shino said blandly.

"Cereal is fine with me. And my friends should be here soon. I just texted them." I said as I took a seat at the island with my bowl and spoon. Hinata was already getting the milk and cereal out.

We all sat and ate for about a half hour and picked up then a knock came. We all went outside and everyone was here.

"Hi Emi! Sleep well?" Yamamoto chirped as eagerly as usual.

"Gah. You're to energetic for this early in the morning." Gokudera growled.

"Morning Emi-san." Tsuna greeted.

"Morning guys. Ready to get going!?" I chirped as I stepped outside.

We headed to the edge of town. Gokudera was quiet during the walk while Takeshi, Tsuna and I talked. Team 8 was quiet.

We got a good ways away from Namimori and into the woody area when Kiba asked us to stop.

"Alright. I think this is far enough. I was wondering why you trusted us so freely?" Kiba looked to me.

"I can take care of myself if something comes up. What's wrong with trusting someone? Plus I have my friends here." I answered.

"That may be true but Hinata talked to us. She said she sensed something she wasn't expecting." Shino joined in.

"Yeah. Do you know what chakra is? It's unusual for a regular person to posses such capabilities to use it." Hinata said.

"Yes. I do. But I have my reasons for knowing. I promised not to spread it around. It's not a top secret thing but you may not believe me if I told you. I'm trusting you guys, give me some trust." I say.

They keep their eyes on me for a second.

"I guess that's a good enough reason for now. We should keep going if we are going to make it back in time." Shino stated and continued on.

=-=3rd POV=-=

Night fall came and everyone took a stop by some trees and made a fire. Takeshi and Emi were laughing and joking while Gokudera went out for some wood for the fire and Tsuna looked at the stars. Shino, and Kiba went a bit away to keep watch while Hinata was up in the trees keeping watch.

"Shino, what do you think about her? She seems friendly to me and Akamaru and I don't sense anything wrong about her. But Akamaru and Hinata can sense she has chakra and Hinata saw her chakra network. It's in use and Akamaru senses it's a strong one." Kiba thought out loud to Shino as they walked.

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