4 Mistakes

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"And how do you know he will come back? He's too free. He hates being tied down and won't stay. He ditched you, the Vongola, and his committee. He let those YOU care for get taken. There's no way that's possible. Don't wish for something that's not possible. It's will only hurt in the end." A voice spoke to me close to my ear.

I never heard this voice before but it was challenging me. I stepped to the challenge.

"Its his choice to stay or leave, but I'll save him from what is hurting him first." I said staring right at him.

"You're just so in love you can't see he doesn't want you. That hates you." The voice said again.

"Even if he hates me, there's no hurt in trying to help a friend. Even on a bad day, it's fun to play in the snow with friends. I'll never give up on him, like the snow that falls in the shadows and bring joy to the sad people." I answered confidently, staring at my friend who was pushing us away for some reasons. I wanted to talk and help him, no matter what.

"Very nice words, but actions are what speak the clearest. Show me." The voice said.

Tsuna gave us his idea as the goons came closer to us. It was hard to use our flames here because they were suppressed, hence Reborn being an adult here. He didn't have the pacifier, but had some bits of flames left because if they were all extracted, he would have died that day. But here, they are suppressed and it's like they aren't there for him, or like Lal and he isn't affected.

After speaking with Tsuna I looked back to the roof. Waiting for my que. I saw someone else in the mix of people on the roof.

"Byakuran is there" I whispered.

Tsuna must have heard because he looked at me and nodded. I kept my eyes on him. The poor marshmallow lover was probably tortured into doing this after seeing how hurt he was. He was tied up at that moment too.

He looked up from the floor and over to the people on the ground. He glanced over everyone and something caught his eye because I think I saw a smirk.

"We will be able to use flames in a bit. He saw me." Tsuna said. I nodded and looked amongst the people around me.

So many people that will be confused and may get hurt. I won't stand out for long if I use long range chakra attacks for long time or just enhance my balance and fighting. Hibari went easy on me the first 2 times and I know it, but these guys won't. How could I possibly extend my chakra? How? I thought as I gazed about.

"Emi, come with us. We'll sneak away to somewhere safe for now. You need to go now because you won't be able to run fast." James said quietly.

"No. You go. Get to safety. I will explain later, but for now know that they want me." I said and looked them.

I could tell they wanted to laugh. I can't blame them either. I'm the clumsy amputee who is really perky.

"Emi, this isn't a joke. Let's go. Maybe we could head to a science lab and do some homework. I need help with the chemistry home work. I didn't understand the thing about the combination of chemicals. All the numbers and names and stuff. You seem to get it." Matthew said as he thought. "Let's go." He looked straight at me.

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