Chapter 7

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Hagrid and Freak walked out of Curious Creatures, an eight foot albino snake wrapped loosely around the younger's neck. People stared at the huge snake as Freak wove through the crowds behind the huge man. Eventually, they came to a shop called 'Ollivander's'.

Inside, there were dozens of dusty shelves, packed with curiously shaped rectangular boxes. Freak suspected that those were for the wands. (It was quite obvious)

"Hello! Welcome to Ollivander's, makers of fine wands! How may I help you. Here to get a wand for your first year of Hogwarts, I presume?

Freak nodded.

Ollivander's eyes twinkled as he set a magic measuring tape to work, then started looking through the hundreds of boxes.

"So, Harry Potter has returned, hm? I guess you don't really care about being called that anymore though... ah! How about this one?"

He held up a lightly colored wand.

"Birch wood, nine inches, unicorn hair core, great for defensive spells!"

Freak picked up the wand, and immediately, it had been taken out of his hands by Ollivander once more.

"Hm no that won't do... how about..."


It had taken about ten minutes, but Ollivander had found one he was sure would work.

"11 inches, holly with a phoenix feather core! This one is amazing with defensive spells and good for some of the harder ones!"

Freak tried this one and it felt ok.... but something was wrong. He shook his head.

Ollivander was dumbfounded, never had he come across a wizard who rejected the wand that had chosen him!

Before the old man could stop him, or do anything for that matter, Freak was walking into the dustier isles. He didn't know why he was, he just felt compelled to. Compelled to walk exactly 23 steps into the third isle from the left. Compelled to stop and shelf A113 and pick up that dusty box. Compelled to open it and take out the treasure inside.

And oh what a treasure it was.

Beside him, Ollivander breathed in astonishment.

"It is curious you picked up that wand, Harry... 12 inches, ebony, thunderbird feather core... great for offensive spells and protective spells. It had been sitting on that shelf for over 200 years, when my father had first inherited this shop..."

(I don't know how old Ollivander is, so I'll just say it was his dad's and now it is owned by Ollivander Jr. or something)

Freak looked down at the newly identified wand. It was a dark black color, with coiling swirls carved into the handle, which was a light beige color.

Freak nodded.

"Well then, I guess that's settled." Ollivander was still in a bit of a daze.

"Please come over here to pay. It's 10 galleons"


Freak was heading back to number four, school supplies, robes, and wand all packed away carefully in his new 'necklace'. But the snake, which had identified itself as an albino Boa Constrictor called Bulan, stayed on his shoulders.

Now they walked up to the front porch of number four, and knocked.

Before long, Petunia came out of the door. When she saw just who was there, her lip curled in disgust and her nose wrinkled.


The man's reply could be faintly heard from what Freak assumed was the kitchen.

Before long, his beady eyes were narrowed in malice as he gazed upon the visitors to his doorstep.

"Go away, Freaks."

He slammed the door in their faces. 

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