Chapter 18

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I hate my unmotivated, procrastinating, guilty self.

I am so sorry, I have held off this chapter for far too long. Four months is way too long. 

On a not so gloomy note- 

... I never even expected 50 views for this story, which really was started from me contemplating my favorite books at like 2 in the morning. 

... there are 4k views. 

from almost every continent...

Mind. Blown. 


I've made a new cover: 

Thank you guys so much, I hope you like the newest addition to Freak!

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Thank you guys so much, I hope you like the newest addition to Freak!


        Freak sighed as he slipped into a chair in the common room, the school day was finally over and dinner would soon grace their hungry mouths. For some though, the day was no where near over. The ghostly sensation of wind on his face and freedom in his heart was enough to convince Freak that he had to prolong the day- maybe even the rest of the night as well, so he may fly again. 

       With an air of finality, he walked to the great hall. He could already hear the joyful cries of students and knowledgeful mumble of faculty. Walking to the Ravenclaw table and sitting down next to Luna, he let Bulan off his shoulders. As he waited for dinner to appear, he told Bulan about his intentions.

'Are you sssssure it issss ssssafe..? What if you got caught, Masssster?'

'I'm the besssst and brightesssst asss far asss they know, Bulan. I doubt that if there wasss any punisshment that it would be pretty inssssignificant.'

'If you sssay sssso...'

With that, dinner appeared and Bulan helped himself to some (a lot) of pork. Sighing, Freak dished out some soup broth and waited for dinner to end. Next to him, Luna looked on with in inquiring gaze.

"What are you two planning? Freak looked at her and began to write on his napkin.

'Why would you like to know?'

"Well, why else? I want in!" Freak was surprised, no one had ever "wanted in" on anything he did.

'I guess... if you would like to..?

Luna smiled. "Of course!" Soon she was back to eating, as if nothing had happened.

Bulan popped out of the pork.

'Ssshe isss a weird perssson.'

'I think I've noticed that.'

Freak looked down at his half empty bowl of broth and sighed. Standing up, he let Bulan back onto his shoulders and walked through the halls towards the Ravenclaw common room. Curious eyes followed him, but no one made a move to see where he was going. When he arrived and solved the riddle (Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?) he sat on his four-poster.

Bulan slithered onto the bed and looked at his master.

'Bulan? Do you know any way I could get around the castle undetected?'

The great snake thought for a while before giving a carefully worded answer.

'Well there isss one method that may work... though it issss ssssaid to be very hard to massster...' Freak was intrigued.

'What isss it called?'

'Unlocking your animagussss form'

I guess this was more of a filler chapter.. sorry for the length. only about 500 words.. but anyway- I hope you liked it! 

let me know if you have any questions or suggestions and i'll try to answer them if i can.

I'll try to update asap but I might not be able to, I might be able to.. i dont know at this point. (Hopefully soon!)

Lastly- this is really random but the Imagine Dragons are AWESOME I would suggest listening to them :)

Let me know in the comments what you think his Animagus form should be! If I agree with whatever animal form is mentioned most that may become his form!

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