Chapter 29

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I'm sure you're getting tired of so many apologies for lateness so I'll just get to the story

by the way- announcement at the bottom AN! Keep an eye out! 

All Freak could think about was Professor Quirrell. He had no idea why, but the professor had been staring at him- not even with any distinguishable expression on his face- since the day after he had found the stone. Something about the professor seemed very wrong, but Freak couldn't quite put his finger on it. 

"H-harry Potter?" Freak heard a voice behind himself. Speak of the devil...

"You're going to need to come with me, now..." Suddenly- everything turned dark, and he could just barely feel the sensation of falling before his mind fell asleep. 


The first thing Freak was conscious of was that he could not move. Then that his mouth tasted as if something had died, it smelled like something died and started molding over. He could hear only the faint sounds of dripping water, and finally, he knew that he could see nothing. 

Many lonely hours passed by this way. With each drop of water, he could feel himself becoming more and more anxious, more desperate, and more panicked. Each second seemed like another drip of his already waning sanity lost into the puddles of his subconscious. 

He had no idea how much time had passed. He only knew the drips. 






There was no end. 

Until there was, for a moment, a pause

and footsteps.

"You should be glad I had to keep up my facade of classes, boy. Otherwise, I doubt your stay would have been so pleasant thus far."

This was so far from pleasant, some voice in the back of his mind commented, unheard. 

"Now... What to do with you, Harry Potter... What to do.." 

And I guess it might be a while before we know the answer to that question. 


Also, I have a little poll if a few of you are able to quickly write a comment :) 

What made you click on this book? 

- The Title

-The Cover

-Someone told me about it

-It sounded interesting

-It had to do with harry potter

-You was interested in a story with a disabled main character

-it showed up as recommended

-You have no idea why and why are you still reading this

-What is a harry potter?

Thank you! hopefully my next update will be soon but only life and time will tell, I guess. 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me, and to everyone who has randomly hopped onto the ride! I love you all and your comments and likes are the reason that this story has so many chapters! 

Thank you again! 

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