Chapter 28

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I feel like I don't thank you all enough for all the votes and follows and reads and beautiful, hilarious comments and what-not that you've bestowed upon me. I don't deserve any of it, but it is immensely appreciated all the same! 




The last few months have been pretty boring. I caught a mouse this morning, but that's about the most exciting thing that's happened this week. Master (of course he always wants me to call him Freak) has been pretty caught up in his schoolwork and such, so he is spending less time talking to me. 

The incident with the Cerberus and the resulting craziness is something he hasn't told me too much about. He mentioned a troll (something about big hands..?) and a mirror. He seemed pretty depressed about it all so I just let him be. 

There's something I've been noticing lately, though. 

Freak has been different. 

He seems to be a bit happier than he was at the beginning of the year. He responds more to what people are talking about, even if it's weird stuff like what Luna rambles about. He participates more in class, and seems to be branching out his interests more. 

He also feels different. 

When Freak picked me up from Newt, I had gone with him because of his speaker abilities. In the past few months, though, something has felt different from being around him. His presence alone is enough to calm me down or make me happy, and sometimes I even mirror his emotions. 

I think wizards call this a familiar bond. 

Whatever it is, it feels nice. I hope it doesn't go away. It feels nice to belong. 


AN- sorry for the wait and short chapter! I want to specify that this is a bit of thinking on Bulan's part and takes place about 2-3 months after Freak finds the stone. Freak has hidden the stone in his trunk for now and isn't doing anything with it, but has gotten caught up in schoolwork (he finds a lot of these subjects interesting and is doing extra research on them) so he is spending a bit less time with his trusty companion. 

However, since the night that he went out and got the closest to death he's been since coming to Hogwarts, he immediately went to his snake friend for support, and the trust between them has grown more. This has started a familiar bond between them. 


hope that clears some stuff up

love you all <3

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