Chapter 12

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Freak looked at the schedule that had been handed to him at the feast last night. He hadn't heard of many of the classes before. Transfiguration? Potions? Charms? History of Magic? Divination? Many of the classes seemed odd, yet fitting for such an abnormal school.

His first class was Transfiguration, which he would be heading to after breakfast.

As Freak walked down from the Ravenclaw boys' dormitories with Bulan sleeping on his shoulders, he saw the girl from the other day.

"Hello again Harry. I haven't heard you talk yet... are you mute?"

Freak nodded.

Luna hummed in understanding, before walking up and petting Bulan.

"I really like your snake, can you tell me his name? I can get some parchment."

Freak nodded and soon had a piece of parchment and a quill in front of him.


"Oh, that's a nice name, it's Indonesian, you know. It means moon." Freak was slightly surprised, but nodded in agreement.

After that, the two of them walked down to breakfast, Bulan sleeping, curled around Freak's neck.

When they got there, Bulan woke up after smelling the bacon.

Bulan, Freak learned, loved bacon.

'Massster! They have the greassssy goodnesssss! The flavorful sssswine! Bacon! May I have ssssome, pleasssssse Massster?'

'Only if you ssssstop calling me Masssster, Bulan'

'Yesssss, of coursssse Freak! Anything!'

And with that, about ten girls squealed in shock as Bulan slithered off his shoulders into an entire vat of bacon. Freak knew he wouldn't come out for a while, and would probably have to be washed afterwards....

Eventually, breakfast was over and a greasy Bulan came out of the - now empty - pot of bacon.

'You know, you will have to be wassssshed after thisss.'

'Worth it.'

Freak chuckled, making several people around him cringe from the horrid noise.

He just left to get to transfiguration early. He already had his stuff in his pouch.


Once Freak arrived at the classroom, he realized he was first (even though it had taken him a few extra minutes to clean his snake), and picked a seat near the front of the room. It took about 10 minutes for the classroom to fill up, and professor Mcgonagall to walk in.

"Hello class, I am going to be your transfiguration teacher. Transfiguration is the technique in which you use magic to turn one thing-" she gestured to a pillow-"into another." With a wave of her wand, the pillow turned into a large pig. Many of the class seemed impressed by this, and Freak was relatively surprised. It was a very large pig.

After the pig transfiguration demonstration, Freak stopped paying attention. He already had read most of what the professor was saying in the books he had gotten at Diagon Alley. He had been reading them at night while staying in the Leaky Cauldron.

Eventually, Mcgonagall noticed that he didn't seem to be paying attention and decided to approach it directly.

"Mr. Potter, would you care to repeat what I just said?"

Freak knew he wouldn't answer anyway, but Bulan quietly hissed into his ear.

'She said "we will be learning to transfigure small objects like feathers within the first four weeks.'

A few more moments passed before the teacher got impatient.

"Well, Mr. Potter?"

"Professor?" Luna piped up. "Harry is mute, so you won't get an answer from him. He can write, though."

Professor Mcgonagall looked at him oddly, before asking him to write out the answer. Freak wrote down, word for word, what Bulan had told him. He was internally glad that the snake was paying attention to the conversation, he didn't want to draw more attention to himself.

After seeing his answer, word for word of what she had recently said, Mcgonagall was startled, but awarded five points to Ravenclaw for 'attentive listening.'

A few minutes later, the class ended, and Freak left to go to his next one: Charms. 

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