Chapter 25

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For all intents and purposes, this is really a continuation of chapter 24, but I'll call it chapter 25 if only for my peace of mind... 

and if I was sorry after not updating for a month..? 

well I might as well just throw myself down onto my face and beg for forgiveness at this point.. 

So so so so sorry to anyone who actually bothered to wait and didn't just abandon this! 


With a barely audible gulp, Freak unlocked and pushed open the door once more. 

(Haha this was like me logging into Wattpad today)

Immediately, six eyes locked onto him and both magical creatures froze.

There were a few tense moments of silence before Freak mustered up the courage to inch a bit more towards the wall, then quickly transfigure himself back to normal. The beast growled as he watched the occamy quickly morph into a human. 

Cautiously, Freak brought the piccolo to his mouth; he then started to play. 

Slow and almost unearthly music traveled forth towards the Cerberus. With a relatively  surprised yawn, he sat down. What music had been brought before him today? This was not like any he had heard before. He quite liked it. 

Without even realizing it, Fluffy drifted off to sleep. 

Freak was still too scared to trust that if he stopped playing the dog wouldn't wake up, so he kept up his tune as he looked around the room. 

There was a trapdoor sitting in the center of the room, right near one of the Cerberus's paws. 

So, obviously, the first year made his way towards it and opened it up with his foot. He glanced at the Cerberus, which grunted a bit in it's sleep. Carefully continuing  his tune, he sat at the edge of the hole that was revealed. 

He slipped into it, and his piccolo cut off abruptly. 


Mwahahahahaha got you

Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed that!!! >:) 

Two months and this is what you get


Ehh.. I guess I can save you from such a horrible cliffhanger.. 

Did you really think I would leave it there after two months? (Again, so sorry guys! Trying to make it up to you if you couldn't tell!!) 


With a soft thud, Freak landed on top of a soft bed of something that immediately started twisting up his ankles to his thighs and around his shoulders, as he had landed on his back. As he lay in shock, because floors were not supposed to hug you, more of the something came and wrapped around his abdomen. 

With a panicked yelp, he started to writhe; trying to find a way out of the newly identified Devil's Snare. His mind blanked, all he could think about was escape.

It was only when the plant was tight enough to cause a problem with his breathing that he came back to himself and remembered what he had read over the summer. He needed light and calm. 

Giving himself a few moments to calm his heart rate and breathing, he managed to pull his wand from his almost overtaken clothes. With a prayer to all things holy, and sigh of relief, and a lumos, the devil's snare retreated, and Freak fell to the floor below. 

Glancing up from his position of being sprawled over the floor, he saw a stone passageway. Freak stood up again, looking at the Devil's Snare for a moment longer, before continuing on his way. All he could hear was the gentle trickling of water and the pitter-patter of his feet. The passageway slowly dipped downwards, like an extremely long ramp. 

At the end of the passageway stood a brilliantly bright chamber with high sweeping arches and majestic small birds zooming around. Across from him lay a sturdy wooden door. 

Freak grinned.

Annnd unfortunately now I actually DO have to be done! My computer is almost OUT of power and I'm still looking for the cord!

Anyway, hope you all liked that!

(and hey, my birthday was yesterday! just thought I should mention that) 

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