Chapter Eight

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Melanie Stewart ----->>>

Dedication: HyperKid94 for editing one of my chapters. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! (:

Thank you:)


It was my own fault. I shouldn't have gone charging in there. I guess Mel makes my brother happy and if I wanted him to be with anyone, it probably would be her, right?  

"You ready?"  

And I suppose they fit each other. Like they're both very pretty. He comes out of his shell when he's with her, so she is probably doing him good. He socialises and acts like a regular person with her and not like some zombie.


I sighed. It really didn't have anything to do with me anyway. I should just get over it. It doesn't involve me. Like she was best friend... he was my brother... but still. If they made each other happy, then it wasn't up to me to interfere.

"Er- Are you coming?"  

"Oh, what?" I asked, pausing my mental ranting and glancing up. Jason stood there, the corners of his mouth twitching in amusement. I did a double take. He looked so hot. I quickly shooed away my perverted thoughts. 

Focus Emma, focus.

"I said are you coming?" Jason laughed.  

"Oh, right, yeah."

I trailed behind him and slid into his car. I felt the familiar clean scent wash over me. It smelt of his cologne. He revved the engine and we smoothly left the car park. I felt so cool, traveling with one of the 'It' boys.


We arrived at his place, and of course it was amazing. It was a cream colour with black edging. The inside was sparkling clean and very expensive. With wide eyes, I surveyed the place. It was extraodinary.

"You hungry, thirsty?" He asked, shrugging of his bag and going straight for the fridge. Typical boy. Luke does the same thing, because delivering cigarettes to individuals and companies just makes you 'so hungry'.

"Um, just some water thanks."  

He poured me a glass and slid it across the smooth, granite black bench top. I sculled it, enjoying the coolness run down the back of my throat.  

"So, do you want to chill a bit first or get straight into it?"  

"I don't mind," I shrugged, still peering around in awe. I hardly took in what he said, because I was so gob-smacked at his house.

I heard footsteps and a lady, looking awfully like his sister wandered into the kitchen. She had mouse brown hair and bright blue eyes, like Jason's. I used to wish I had amazing blue eyes. They were just so pretty.

"Hello." she smiled, going over to the jug and turning it on, in order to make herself a cup of tea. I never got into the whole 'coffee' and 'tea' thing.

"Hi," I replied.  

"You must be Emma? I'm Miranda." she smiled warmly. I felt a feeling of relief flood through me. Jason's relatives seemed to be really lovely. I was afraid they would be like all those other 'It' people and be snobby.

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