Chapter Twelve

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Jason Mayor -------------->>>

Dedication: Smilealittle for being my 111th fan. I though it was a cool number. Thanks for your support. :) <3


My feet pounded on the corridor floor as I marched down to the canteen. There was already a line forming and I had to be in there. 

"Soup!" Someone called in the distance.

I glanced over, trying to see who called out. Why on Earth would they say soup? That was just odd. I shook it off and kept going. I then paused.

I had an idea who it was...

I continued my march as I scanned the area. Next minute, something hard hit my head. I sprang backwards in surprise, stumbling. I shook my head, trying to get over my shock. I squinted at what was in front of me.

Oh. My. Goodness.

I just ran into a pole.

In front of Jason.

My face flooded with heat and I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to act casually. How on Earth was I supposed to do that now?

"P-pardon?" I asked, stammering slightly. "What about soup?"

"What?" he asked, confused. "Did you just run into a pole?"

"Um, no...?" I said quickly, looking anywhere but at him. Why was I so weird? "Uh, you said soup?"

"Er- I said sup." He frowned, looking at me in utter confusion. My face flushed once more and I wanted to go bury my head in a box of sand.


I tried not to laugh nervously. How embarrassing was I?

"Well, in a rush, you know those pizzas..."

"How could I forget?" He laughed. "Meet me at H block when the bell goes?"

"Sure?" I replied, even though it came out like a question.

I scuttled away from him, trying to get my face to return to normal colour. I managed to get Pizza Single out this time and not you-know-what. I then moved towards my group, settling on our blue lunch table. I placed it down and began pulling all the toppings off. (I ate the top first and then the base. I know it's weird, but it's a tradition, okay?)

"Who was that?" Ben asked. He had dark hair, pale skin and dark eyes. Pretty eerie. He was a bit attractive though, I'll give him that.

"A friend."

"Jason Mayor is your friend?" he asked, an eyebrow arched.

"If you already knew who he was, why did you ask?"

"Since when?"

I sighed, seeing the subject couldn't be avoided. "Since ages."

I took a big bite, the deliciousness filling my mouth. I had to prevent myself from making the same noise Homer Simpson does when he day dreams about donuts. His donuts were like my pizzas. Period. 

"Mhm. You do know he's probably using you?"

"Why would he?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows together.

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