Chapter Sixty -- FINAL CHAPTER --

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EDIT: I don't know how you've made it here if you have, I tried to re-read this book and couldn't get past the first chapter lmao. Thank you for supporting my first ever story. It's good to look back and see how much I've grown over time. I hope you enjoy the ending!


Dedication: Randomweirdgirl for the awesome banner on the side - thank you!


Melanie's POV:

"GET IT OUT OF ME!" I screeched, throwing my head back and gripping viciously at the bed sheets. The nurse beside me rubbed a cool cloth across my forehead, banishing some of the sweat that had formed.




I wanted Courtney out of me. Now. I had been in ten hours labour, (kill me) and all I wanted was for her to be out of me. I wanted to be in peace. A ragged scream tore from my throat and my breathing was getting heavier and heavier by the second.

"You're okay Mel," Emma said from my side, rubbing my sweat-coated arm in comfort. "Almost there."

"Better me," I muttered, followed by some colourful profanities.

She squeezed me gently. I know it was probably horrible for her, but I was so glad she was here. Mum was here too, but she was helping actually deliver the baby. (Like talking with the doctor and everything). Dad is out with Em's family. Luke is here with me as well, of course, which is good.

"Just think about something else, if you can." she suggested, giving me a small smile. "Think about anything else but the pain."

I couldn't reply. Words failed me and I threw my head back again, glaring up forcefully at the ceiling. My breath was coming out in short, fast pants and my chest was heaving. My insides felt like they were exploding.

I focused on trying to even out my breathing, but I couldn't. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together.

"Just remember, in and out, breathe," the nurse said in a calm soothing voice. I grabbed her arm and yanked it down, digging my nails into her skin. She yelped out in pain and Luke quickly hurried over, relieving the poor girl. He removed my arm from her and tightly held my hand.

"Take the pain out on me." he murmured. "Instead of the innocent nurse who is trying to help you."

If I wasn't practically dying, I would have laughed. I didn't need any further encouragement. I saw his face flash with pain and I gripped his hand. Hard. He probably had loss of blood flow, I was holding on that tight. Emma's hand kept rubbing my arm. Just her touch was soothing, but not soothing enough.

He leaned forward so that his forehead was resting on my sweaty one. I felt and probably looked absolutely terrible. I don't think I have ever sweated so much in my entire life. My breathing was ragged and I felt so out of breath.

He kissed the edge of my mouth and kept his face close to mine. I stared into his eyes, seeing so much love there that it was consuming me. I want to smile at him, but stomach stabbed with pain. I groaned loudly, reeling my head back.

The pain was almost unbearable.

"Push, Melanie, push!" The nurse said to me, under the Doctor's commands. I couldn't help notice that she began absently rubbing the marks I had inflicted on her. I made a mental note to apologise, when I wasn't so... preoccupied.

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