Chapter Thirty

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Dedication: Rowan14 for making me the banner to the right. Thank you for making it, it looks awesome. :) 


Thanks for all your support guys. I really enjoy writing, but I never imagined people to comment such amazing things to me. Thanks again, you don't know how much it means to me. <3

ALSO: If you haven't checked out the Trailer for BTFM yet, it can be found on youtube. The trailer was done by Milly23. Thanks again. <3



"Get up." 


"Because I said so." 

"But I'm so warm." 

"There's no time for that. I need to prepare you." 

"I don't wanna'," I complained, burying my face deeper into my pillow. 

Suddenly, the sheets were ripped from me, the harsh cold morning air replacing it. I opened my eyes, frowning up at my best friend, who only beamed back. Her cheeks were flushed red and her eyes wide and bright. I could only guess she'd snuck into Luke's room this morning. 


"Up. Now." 

I obeyed, but grumbled the entire time. I shuffled into the bathroom, did the usual and slapped some cold water on my face, to help me wake more. I let out a startled gasp as I looked at my reflection. My usual just wavy hair was in full ringlets. I groaned, trudging back out. 

"It's raining, isn't it?" 


My hair always turned curly when the weather was rainy. It must only be soft though, I couldn't hear it hitting the roof very loudly. But now that I listened more carefully, I could make out the soft pitters of the rain, as if it were dancing across the roof.

I made myself some vegemite on toast and swallowed it down with some apple black currant juice. I was pushed up the stairs, tripping.  

"Settle down." I muttered. 

I passed Charlie on the way. He greeted me with his tail wagging and licking my toes. I did not see the appeal in that, what so ever, but hey, if he was into it, whatever. He then trotted down the stairs and disappeared. 


"You're in a bossy mood today," I grumbled and she rolled her eyes. 

She applied some foundation, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara, before allowing me to spare a glance in the mirror. She then curled my hair, more properly then my natural ones. I sat quietly, listen to her ramble.  

We had decided on what I'd do to surprise Jason. We would meet after school, in a town, twenty minutes away, underneath a bridge there. We'd sorted it all out. It was really pretty under there. It most often had couples having lunch on the edge of the water. It was pretty deserted on school days though. 

The Best Thing For MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora