Chapter Twenty Five

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Dedicated to Bullwinkle for being my 100th fan! 

Mark Mayor (Father of Jason) ---------->>>>>>

Song: Lana Del Ray - Off To The Races.


"What?" he asked, his voice low. 

"Don't make me repeat it..." I whispered, tears brimming at my eyes. He punched the wall, causing me to flinch away. He punched it again, swearing loudly. 

"WHY?" he yelled. 

I cringed, tears rapidly falling down my cheeks now. 

"Because I don't love you."





"It's now or never..." Michael Scofield, the main star and hottie from Prison Break whispered to me. I nodded back vigorously. 

"Let's do it." 

We scaled the walls of the Prison, trying to find our escape. Just as one of the guards jumped out, my world shifted slightly. The words, 'I'm not afraid' could be heard. My eyes then registered on the all-too familiar surroundings.  

I dragged myself into sitting position. Music blared and an unnecessarily loud rate, causing me to grumble groggily. I shuffled into my bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and ran my fingers through my hair. I exited my room, seeing Luke working out. I went over, turning the music down. 

He paused, turning around. 

"Um... you woke me up." I said bluntly. "And by the way, I was have a great dream about Prison Break." 

He shrugged. "The music has been going for about half an hour." 

"Really?" I asked in surprise. I must have been out cold. "Where's Dad?" 

"Out on a job." 

"Oh. Okay then." 

"Yeah. Now that we've settled that, can you turn my music back on?" 

I rolled my eyes. "Yes sir." 

After obeying his wishes, I made myself some vegemite toast and settled into watching a show in T.V. After washing up, re-brushing my teeth and throwing on some shorts and a loose top, Luke approached me again, by barging through my bathroom door. 

"I need you." 

"Firstly, you should never barge into a bathroom, what if I was naked or something? Secondly, the words 'I need you' should never come out of your mouth towards me and thirdly, what do you need me for?" I commented, brushing my hair.  

"You lost me at firstly." he shrugged. "But, I need your help." 

"What help do you require?" I asked, trying to sound professional.

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