Chapter Thirty Two

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Dedication: Shivernights for the awesome banner on the right. Thanks again for taking your time and effort to make it. It turned out awesome. :) --------->>>>

Song: Back Seat - Far East Movement. 


"What do you do for fun around here?" the persistent voice asked me as he trailed behind me. 

I sighed, continuing my speed walk to the canteen. So far Chase had not left me alone. Okay, so he was nice, attractive and funny, but also annoying. I felt like punching him. I'd also found myself checking him out more than once, which was not a good idea at all.

There was a bit of a queue, and I bit my lip as I lined up. I hope there was something decent in here for me to eat, I was starving. I felt a poke in my ribs and spun around, glaring. I placed my hands on my hips.

"What?" I snapped in frustration.

"You didn't answer my question."

I frowned, thinking back to what he asked, having not really listened. "Well... there's the beach."

I turned back around, gluing my eyes to one of the sausage rolls there. I licked my lips in anticipation. Yum.

"Any nudes?"

"W-what?" I stammered, whipping my head back around.

He rolled his eyes. "I asked if there were any nude beaches."


"Hold on, let me re-word that." he cleared his throat, projecting his voice louder. "Is there a nude beach that you like to attend?"

"N-no!" I stuttered again, my face flaming. I felt eyes on me and ducked my head in complete embarrassment.

He had such a big mouth!

I couldn't believe he had just asked me that! In front of so many people too.

 "Back off buddy," a low voice threatened.

I glanced up, to see Jason there, his piercing blue eyes shooting daggers at Chase. He was tense and standing stiffly. Chase just smirked, quirking one of his eyebrows.

"What's up? We're not dating." he smiled smugly. "Yet." 

Jason made a sound in the back of his throat, reminding me of a somewhat growl. I almost squeaked at the accumulating tension.

"Jason, it's okay." I said quietly, stepping in between the two. "Nothing is going on between us. Thank you though."

He nodded once, his jaw clenched, grabbed his lunch and marched away. A sigh left my lips as I watched him leave. I need to have a few words to him. Explain exactly what was happening.

"Ex?" Chase guessed, giving me a lopsided grin. This caused him to have a dimple in his left cheek. He looked adorable.

Woah, back up. I was so not having these thoughts!

"Mhm." I mumbled distractedly.

No way would I admit to this new guy that I was secretly dating Jason. For all I knew he knew Mark!

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