Chapter Fifty Two

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Dedication: JamieJewel12 for the amazing cover on the side. Thanks a bunch - I love it. :D


Melanie's POV:

I rolled my lips into my mouth as I fought back the tears that were threatening to spill down my face at any moment. My bottom lip was quivering as my eyes got more and more moist. I let out a sob, sinking to my knees.

I ran a hand over my face roughly as I hiccupped into my hand. I had been sick all day. I love how they label it 'morning' sickness. Hah. I wish. More like 'All Day' sickness. Ugh. I hung my head, feeling defeated. I was not ready for this baby.

"Mel?" Luke's voice floated through the doorway, snapping me out of feeling sorry for myself. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. I quickly scrambled onto my bed and shoved the covers over my legs.

"Oh, um, yeah?" I asked, furiously wiping at my cheeks. He rounded the corner, staring at me curiously. I looked away and trained my eyes upon the T.V, pretending to be absorbed in it. I felt the bed dip beside me, but I didn't make any intentions to move.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I automatically leaned into him, seeking his warmth and comfort. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine, this movie is just sad..."

"You find White Chicks sad?" he asked me, quirking an eyebrow. Amusement flashed in his eyes and I mentally slapped myself. What sort of genius response was that?

I ran my tongue across my teeth in irritation. "Um, yes?"

"Talk to me about it."

"Well... these two girls have to go to this party thing, but then they have this crash, so these guys-"

"I mean talk about what you're crying about, not the movie."

"But-" I tried to protest, but he turned, looking at me with narrowed eyes. His eyes gave me the impression to not muck around. I sighed deeply through my nose and gritted my teeth. I hated anyone seeing me cry. But more importantly, I especially hate when I have to explain why.

"Talk to me." he murmured, caressing my cheek.

"I feel as though I'm not ready."

He stiffened beside me, knowing exactly what I meant. I felt a weight be lifted off my shoulders as I admitted that out loud. I rested my head back, my eyes drifting closed. He was completely silent beside me. After a few moments, I squinted at him. His face was blank and I internally cringed at the sight. I shouldn't have said anything.

"So..." he trailed off, looking lost. He averted his eyes and stared down at the bed. "You don't want to keep the baby?"

"Of course I do, you moron." I snapped, causing him to look back up at me in confusion. "I just don't feel like I'm ready."


I sighed again, pinching the skin in between my eyes. I was stressed out to the max right now. I need to talk about it, but I don't want to. Especially not to Luke. He just... frustrated me. Where was Emma when I needed her?

Why was it so difficult to admit I was scared?



"Look, it's okay." I said, shrugging off his arm and getting to my feet. I felt my usual walls go up. I didn't look up at him, but stared fixated to the doorway. "I'm going for a walk."

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