Chapter Two..

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Nazmeera sat still as the women of her close family hustled around her,readying her for her nikah.Her eyes were lifeless yet aware of everything that took place around her.In the mirror she saw Aamanah smiling gently at her but she also saw the way Aamanah's eyes glistened with unshed tears after all she was going to share her husband with her sister like cousin.

When the women were done Ummi Jameel told them to leave the tent except for Aamanah who stayed where she was.

"Ya Nazmeera,I know what you are going through.The turmoil your heart is facing is great but believe me this what I have done is to save my daughter's home as well as build you a home.I know for a fact that after Abi Jameel and me you love Aamanah the most that is why I have asked for this sacrifice from you.

Do not think that I am doing this because your mother is no more and your father refuses to accept you,no I am doing this in order to give you a chance to build your own home with a man who was able to make Aamanah his despite facing many difficulties.I hope that Allah rewards your sabr and I hope that one day you will be able to forgive me."

Nazmeera stood up and turned to her aunt before grabbing a hold of her hands.

"Ya ammh,there is nothing to forgive you about.Yes,this decision has caused great turmoil in my heart but before thinking about myself I have to think about Aamanah and her heart.Aamanah has always meant the world to me and if doing this saves her home then I am honoured to be making this decision.I have put a rock on my heart and made this decision with Faith in Allah that He will help me."

Nazmeera left her aunts hands and went to Aamanah,taking a hold of both of Aamanah's hands in her own,she looked Aamanah in the eye and then spoke,"Ya ughti,you have entrusted your husband to me and I hope that I will be able to uphold your trust.Never will Hamza be my husband only,he will always be your husband before he is mine.Before I have a right on him,your right on him will come first.My place in his tribe will always come after yours even after I bear him children.If anyone dares to bad mouth you,They will have to face me.I promise to always keep your rights first and foremost."

A few tears fell from Aamanah's eyes and the cousins hugged one another.Aamanah knew that now no matter what Nazmeera would keep her promise.Even though her heart was heavy knowing that Hamza was getting married a second time somewhere in her heart she was relieved that Nazmeera was going to be her sister wife.Aamanah broke the hug and gave Nazmeera a small smile.

"Jazakallah for agreeing to this marriage and I know you will never betray me.You have always sacrificed many things for me and this is one sacrifice that I will never forget."

"This isn't a sacrifice Aamanah,its my duty to all ways protect you and I will do this until I die.I love you ughti."

"I love you too Nazmee."

There was a call from outside the tent and Ummi Jameel told them to enter.It was Abi Jameel,Nazmeera's uncle's and grandfather.

"Ya binti,when I brought you from your father's tribe you were a young child who had no knowledge of right and wrong yet you had to pay for a sin that you had not committed.You were always there for all my children and have always protected them.You took the part of being one of the eldest seriously.You have saved my daughter's house and my honour.May Allah reward you for this sacrifice." Abi Jamee hugged Nazmeera and gave a kiss on her forehead,"She is being harmed and taunted there,protect her."

She nodded her head and he moved back.Her grandfather Abi Abdullah took his place,his eyes were filled with tears.

"Binti Nazmeera,you've faced difficulties from the very beginning of your life and this is another test from the Almighty.You are like your mother strong,stubborn and hard headed.You are also known for your patience and perseverance,stay true to your name.I know its difficult but try and build a home for yourself with Bin Owais even though it will be hard as he is also your sister like cousins husband.May Allah keep you happy."

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