Chapter Eighteen

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Nazmeera's legs had begun to get sore for they had walked around half the mall and all she wanted to do was go home.

"Hamza I'm done,I'm hungry,my feet are sore and I want to go home." Nazmeera whined not caring she sounded like a four year old or the fact that she was dragging her feet.

Hamza looked at her and realized that although he still had energy,Nazmeera was drained,"Okay,let's go.We'll probably grab some food on the way home."

At the mention of the word food,Nazmeera's face lit up and she nodded enthusiastically,"Shukar alhumdulliah,finally.I want Machachos,pleaseeeeee."

Hamza's heart melted at her adorable puppy eyes and he nodded,"Whatever my habibty wants."

Nazmeera felt her heart skip a beat when Hamza called her habibty and she blushed.

Hamza felt a sort of pride fill him when Nazmeera blushed but along with that a small part of him felt guilty at using that pet name when he had only called Aamanah by that pet name.This guilt was crushed when the sensible part of him reasoned that Nazmeera was also his wife and that there was no rule that stated that what he did was wrong.

They got in the car and Hamza drove to the closest Machachos,perks of living in a Muslim country,all the restaurants sold halaal food so buying food was no problem.

Hamza pulled into the drive-throu and looked at Nazmeera,"What will you have?"

Nazmeera looked as if she was really thinking about it,"One chicken burger,enchiladas,a large packet of chips(French fries) and one machine coke."

Hamza nodded his head but in Nazmeera's mind it looked as if Hamza was judging her for her meal choices so she quickly spoke up,"But if you think that's too much then I'll be fine with just a burger and chips.You don't have to buy all of that,I'm not even that hungry....."

Hamza put a hand on her mouth and rolled his eyes at her,"I'm not judging you so chill and I'll buy all of that for you so calm down,okay?"

Nazmeera nodded her head and Hamza moved his hand,turning to order.At that moment Nazmeera was filled with happiness,usually because of her weight she had to be careful of how much she ate but with Hamza she did not feel the need to do that.

Hamza knew why Nazmeera had said that and he felt sad that she would think he would judge her for eating as much as she wished to.He knew that she had weight issues but hearing her talk like that broke his heart.

Without double thinking Hamza reached for Nazmeera's hand and held it.He felt her tighten her grip on his hand and he did the same.

This was how Hamza drove one only letting go off Nazmeera's hand when he had to change gears.This gesture of his gave Nazmeera a sense of comfort but then her self conscious struck.

His only doing this because Aamanah probably told him to.He can't love you,you unlovable.

Nazmeera felt her stomach tighten.She had completely forgot about Aamanah and her rage came back but Nazmeera reigned it in.

This was her time with Hamza.Hamza was also her husband.No matter how much she could try and ignore the fact,it was true and it was time that she faced it.Hamza had proved to her throughout the entire day that he was taking his words seriously and that it was time that they moved onto the next stage of their married life.

Ummi Jameel's words resonated in her ears.

"It is time you start looking at Hamza as your husband and not only Aamanah's husband.It is time that you start living with Hamza as a married couple and not just two friends.You have let Aamanah in your marriage now it is time to make your marriage about the two of you.Aamanah will always be a part of your life but your marriage life has to be your own.No more giving Aamanah time to be with Hamza when it is your turn.No more letting her think she can interfere in Hamza and your marriage."

Nazmeera smiled at casted Hamza a side glance,she could not wait for their next chapter to start.

Hamza felt something change in his relationship with Nazmeera once they reached the house.Usually Nazmeera was very shy around him and would not even lay down in front of him if it was daytime but once they entered the house he was shocked to see Nazmeera remove her scarf and fall onto the couch.

"This feels so good." Nazmeera looked at Hamza with a big smile,"Please give me my food." Hamza nodded and passed Nazmeera the food bags which she grabbed from his hands,mumbling a sorry and she dug in.

Hamza did not know what had brought this change but he was happy about it.

They ate in silence with a few appreciable moans from either person until the food was finally done.

"Ya Allah,I feel so much better.Alhumdulliah." But then Nazmeera groaned and reached for her feet.

"What's wrong?" Hamza asked as he returned from the kitchen and Nazmeera pouted at him.

"My feet hurt so badly!!!It feels like I walked on burning coal." And then she turned her pouting look to a glare,"This is all your fault Hamza!"

Hamza picked his hands up in surrender,"Guilty as charged."

Nazmeera looked at Hamza as though he had lost his mind when he walked towards her and sat on the floor in front of her.

Her eyes went wide when Hamza removed her shoes and put her feet on his lap.Nazmeera quickly moved her feet away,"Hamza what are you doing!This isn't right!"

But Hamza being Hamza only rolled his eyes at her and put her feet on his lap once again.

"Keep quite and let me do what I want to do." Hamza begun massaging her feet and Nazmeera moaned each time he put pressure on her feet.

"This feels sooooo good!" Hamza smiled with pride when Nazmeera said that and he continued massaging her feet until her feet were feeling much better.

"Jazakallah Hamza.My feet fell much...ahh...NO!" Hamza had trailed a finger down her feet and Nazmeera jumped pulling her feet away in a haste,her face red and eyes wide.

Hamza smirked,"So you are ticklish.-

Nazmeera looked around nervously and shook her head,"You wish...psshhtt no I'm not ticklish.You know what?I need to charge my phone,I should go."

When Nazmeera stood up Hamza pulled her by her hand and she fell on him with a shriek.Hamza turned them around until Nazmeera was beneath him and he pinned her hands above her head with both his hands.

His other hand wondered to her side and Nazmeera wiggled under him trying to get away.

" meeee goooo.....Nooooo..."

Nazmeera in her attempt to get away moved her head up and without realizing her lips touched Hamza's lips and he stilled,looking into her eyes.

Nazmeera went still as well,she felt the blood rushing towards her face and her eyes stayed locked on Hamza's,her lips millimeters away from his.

And then...........


LOL I FEEL EVIL 😏😏😋😋😋😹😹😹
As Salaam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu....

Jazakallah for +19.2K reads and +1.8K likes...I love you guys sooooo much for so much things...

I hope you guys liked this chapter and I hope I won't be killed since I'm a bit evil to leave you'll hanging like that..

I have been having issues writing out the next updates,I haven't been motivated much and I feel like this chapter isn't up to standard but I still hope that you'll liked it.

Have  great week...And remember myself and the Ummah in your duas...As well as special duas for my friend's cousin's son,a 7 year old boy who has a tumor in his kidneys,due to the tumor being too big they won't be able to operate so he first has to go for chemo then the operation and then 20 weeks treatment thereafter.Please make dua that Allah makes it easy on the family as well as the young boy.


Fi Amanilah

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