Chapter Forty-Four

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Nazmeera woke up to the sound of the birds chirping outside, attempting to stretch her legs but was soon stopped due to Hamza's legs being tangled with hers.

Nazmeera turned her head to the side gazing at Hamza's side profile as the light of the sun shine highlighted the left side of his face.

Absentmindedly she lifted her hand up to brush the few strands of hair that fell onto Hamza's forehead back then moving to stroke his hair,gently.

Hamza woke up at the feather like strokes that ran through his hair but made no attempt to open his eyes. He remind completely still enjoying the feeling of Nazmeera's hands in his hair.

Nazmeera's eyes roamed Hamza's face for more than 5 minutes before Hamza spoke up completely stunning Nazmeera "You know it rude to stare" Hamza said with a slight grin on his face.

Nazmeera froze like a deer caught in headlights until a shy smile crept on her face when she realized hamza had caught her staring at him and caressing his hair.

Hamza laughed smugly and wrapped his arm around her waist snuggling into the side of her neck.Nazmeera's thoughts drifted back to the events of last night, red seeping into her cheeks.

She couldn't believe how much her relationship has evolved with Hamza.

Nazmeera rolled off the bed leaving a whining Hamza, she performed her ghusul and came out of the washroom to find Hamza sleeping again.

She woke him up and prepared their prayer mats while he went to take a quick bath.After performing their qadah Fajr salaah together Nazmeera and Hamza drifted into light conversation discussing various work related issues.

At the mention of Aamanah's name Nazmeera turned to look at hamza,"Habibty" Nazmeera said softly
When Hamza turned his head to look at her not saying anything in return she took it as her que to continue.

"I wanted to talk to you about the nursery." she said,excitement bubbling in her at what she had planned.

"Yes,what about it."

Nazmeera couldn't contain her excitement anymore, "Well Aamanah plans on decorating it herself,right?" she asked with her eyebrow raised and the biggest smile on her face

Hamza nodded his head in the answering Nazmeera's question.

Nazmeera,nodded back and then begun typing ferociously on her phone while Hamza sat looking at her with the most puzzling look ever.When Nazmeera was done she lifted her gaze only to find Hamza already focused on her.

She knew what he was thinking but didn't want to blurt anything out before she got confirmation. Nazmeera wanted to surprise Hamza and Aamanah with a few gifts for the nursery.

The nursery walls were already painted in white,indicating that the couple were not planning to find out the gender of the babies until Aamanah gave birth.This gave Nazmeera many ideas and she planned on taking them up.

Nazmeera's phones screen light up before she grabbed it giving Hamza a once over before reading the message that just came through.Hamza grew annoyed at Nazmeera's excitement not know what she had planned was killing him.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Hamza asked try to make sense of Nazmeera's giddy behavior.

Without giving it much thought Nazmeera answered "Just Ihsaan" and clapped a hand over her mouth the minute the words escaped from it.

Hamza blew out a breathe of air and got up from his seat trudging towards Nazmeera. He held her cheeks between his palms so gently but the burning rage in his eyes was enough to make her crumble to the floor.

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