Chapter Forty

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Nazmeera sat on Zeenat's right side,her hand sat on her sister's in silent encouragement. The lawyer ran them through the last few formalities and then smiled in encouragement.

"Zeenat you can tell the judge everything that he has done to you,don't be afraid.From the pictures that we have from the PI along with your statement of him being violent he not only will have to give you your talaaq along with him getting an imprisonment sentence."

Zeenat nodded her head,silent and Nazmeera noticed her tense expression.

"Zeenat," She looked at Nazmeera who smiled,"I am going to be there for you and I won't leave your hand.I won't let you face this alone and your grandfather will be there as well.Just stay strong.This is your test from Allah and it will be over soon."

"You won't leave me will you?" Nazmeera wrapped her hands around him.

"I won't,I will always be there for you.- There was a knock on the door and the three of them stood up to walked to the courtroom.

The minute that they entered Nazmeera's eyes fell on Abi Sufyaan who sat along with Talha and whom she assumed was Talha's parents.She saw a woman sitting two rows back and from what she saw in the pictures from the PI that was Talha's mistress.She blocked them from seeing Zeenat as they took a seat and Zeenat's hold on her hand tightened.

"Zeenat my child." Zeenat looked at her grandfather Abi Daud and she stood up to embrace him.He sent Nazmeera a grateful smile and whispered something in his granddaughter's ear causing Zeenat to move back and nod her head.

They saw him look in the direction where AbAbi Sufyaan and Talha were sitting with an angry expression.

"Where is ummi?" That question made Abi Daud look at her and he gave her an apologetic smile.

"Her husband has kept her at the tribe with no permission to even come and meet you but don't worry child.One day your mother will come meet you."

Zeenat's eyes filled with tears and she nodded wiping them away,"In Sha Allah."

"Sheikh Zuhaib is present." They all watched as Zuhaib walked in and took a seat.He started it off,the prosecution and defense stated their cases.Once they were done Zuhaib called Zeenat into the witness box.Nazmeera smiled encouragingly and watched her sister take a stand.

"Zeenat what was your relationship with Talha like when you lived with him?" This question came from her lawyer and Zeenat took a deep breath,looking at Zuhaib.

"Twelve months ago I found my husband in our house in our room with a woman.A woman whom I was told was his secretary was in bed with my husband.I raised my voice and that was the first time that he raised his hand on me.Immediately I contacted my father who ignored my concerns and told me to bare it," Zeenat looked at her father with tears in her eyes,"I was the woman.I kept quiet but my father took it up with him.I was told he'd no more see her or talk to her.For six months we were in peace when I saw him with her at the mall and when I confronted him he hit me,it was the beggining of him hurting me to ensure that I kept quiet and thats what I did.Until he brought her home one day telling me he was going to wed her I couldn't take it,I asked him to give me a talaaq to which he responded by raising his hand on me.After he left with her I packed my bgs and left to my sister's house.I don't want to go back to him Sheikh.I refuse to go back to him.In return of my meher I want my talaaq."

The lawyer told Zeenat to take her seat and witnessyes were brought up,they were cross examined by the lawyers and then there was silence.

Zuhaib called both Zeenat and Talha to the respective witness boxes on each side.OnCE they stood there Zuhaib begun talking.

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