Chapter Four

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Aamanah's head was on  Nazmeera's lap  as she laid on the back seat of the car.Nazmeera kept her eyes on the desert but a few rogue tears betrayed her as she thought of her father's words.His hatred never once diminished and Nazmeera up until this day was unaware of her fault.


When Hamza called her name she looked at him as he was sitting on the opposite seat,"Yes?"

"Are you okay?"

She nodded her head and the look Hamza gave her told her that he did not believe her even a bit,"Nazmeera I know that we just got married yesterday and that you feel awkward talking to me because before this you have only known me as Aamanah's husband.I am now your husband also and it is my responsibility to make sure that you are never hurt so do not tell me you okay when you are not okay."

Hamza saw her eyes fill up with tears,"I have never had the opportunity to ever know why my father hates me so much.I always knew that my father was alive but for him I was dead.His words have always hurt me and today they are like a sword piercing my heart.It makes me think that how can a father hate his own blood so much.I am hurt and he does not care after all I am just a mistake that he made."

Hamza didn't know how to reply to her voice that was filled with so much agony but he did speak,"I do not know how a father can hate his own blood like Abu Sufyaan hates you but I do know one thing.You are one of the strongest woman I know and one day Allah will reward you for your patience that you have through this test.That day Abi Sufyaan will feel proud that he has a daughter like you and he will accept you with open arms."


"Thumma Ameen."

Aamanah listened to the two of them converse and she thanked Allah in her mind.Nazmeera was opening up to Hamza and she was doing it fast.This was a good sign to Aamanah.As she heard Hamza console Nazmeera she smiled slightly,his words would surely help Nazmeera and it did.She acted like as was waking up and she felt Nazmeera's hand on her head.

"As Salam Mu Alaykum sleepyhead."

Aamanah opened her eyes and smiles at Nazmeera who was looking down at her"Wa Alaykum Mu Salaam Nazmee.Are we there yet habib?"

"Five more minutes.I was about to tell Nazmeera to wake you up."

Aamanah sat up and she held Nazmeera's hand when she saw her puffy eyes,she gave it a squeeze and Nazmeera squeezed it back.

"Nazmee is my eyeliner fine?"

Nazmeera looked at her eyes and shook her head,"No let me make it right."

Aamanah nodded her head and moved her head forward.Nazmeera used her finger to wipe away the eyeliner that was under her eye before moving back.

"Now it's fine."


"Afwan habibti."

The car came to a stop and Nazmeera saw the tribe waiting.She took a deep breath and looked at Aamanah who was smiling at her.She took a deep breath and exited the car,Aamanah stood next to her and Hamza on her other side.

Nazmeera observed the hostile glares that were thrown her way as well as Aamanah's way.Nazmeera moved away from Hamza and moved Aamanah where she once stood.Ummi Hamza moved forward to her and hugged her.

"Welcome habibti.Come let me take you to your tent.Hamza come with us."

"No." Everyone looked at her shocked but she turned to look at Hamza and put his hand in Aamanah's.She turned back to face the tribe.

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