Chapter Twenty-Five

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Nazmeera was literally bouncing with excitement in her seat as the driver drove them to Talha and Zeenat's house.

Hamza could not keep the smile off his face at Nazmeera's restlessness and excitement.MashaAllah this was the second time he had seen such a radiant smile on her face.

"Habibi,how much longer until we reach?"

Nazmeera did not realize that she put an endearment in excitement but Hamza did and he raised his eyebrows at her,deciding to tease her

"What did you just say?"

Nazmeera looked at him as if she thought he was dumb and repeated her question,"I asked how much longer until we reach?"

Hamza shook his head and smirked,"You said something before that,what did you say?"

Nazmeera's eyebrows creased as she tried to remember what she had said and once she remembered her eyes went wide,Nazmeera quickly turned her face to look out the window.

Nazmeera felt her face burn up due to her intense blushing and then she squealed when Hamza poked her side yet she did not look at him.

"So what did you call me?"

Nazmeera cleared her throat,"I called you Hamza how.What else could I possibly call you?"

Hamza hummed and scratched his beard as if he was thinking,"Perhaps you called me......habibi."

Nazmeera bit on her lip and thanked Allah a million times once the driver stopped the car in front of a house.

"We've reached.Let's go." Before Hamza could reply Nazmeera was out the car and he soon followed suit.Nazmeera waited until Hamza was by her side as he had gone to get the gift bags which had gifts for Zeenat before she begun walking.

"So you still didn't tell me if you called me habibi or did you call me something else?"

Nazmeera refused to look at him or answer and rather she looked straight wishing the door would get closer sooner.

They were a few steps away from the door when the door swung open and Nazmeera was hit by another body.

"Nazmee." Arms tightened around her waist and Nazmeera wrapped her arms around the slim body,tears filling her eyes.

"Zeeny." Nazmeera felt her sister's body shake in her hold,a low sobbing sound escaped her sister's mouth and a wetness seeped through her shirt material.

Hearing her sister's sobs,Nazmeera started crying too.Fifteen years since she last saw her sister,fifteen years since she last wrapped her arms around her sister and fifteen years since she saw her sister grow before her eyes.

Talha and Hamza stood together unable to say anything to the two women who stood in the courtyard,hugging and crying away the pain of being separated for fifteen years.They both wanted to comfort their women but held back knowing the women only needed each other at that moment.

Finally Nazmeera pulled back and she held Zeenat by her shoulders.

"MashaAllah my Zeenat has grown up to be so beautiful." She cupped Zeenat's face her hands and leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead,"Habibty I have missed you so much."

"Me too Nazmee.I can't believe that you in front of me and look at you.You look so beautiful." Zeenat could not help but notice the glow that covered Nazmeera and once again she embraced her sister,resting her head on Nazmeera's shoulder,breathing in the scent that she only associated with her elder sister.

"I missed you so much Nazmee.I missed you every single day,there wasn't a day that went by and I didn't think of you.Ummi missed you too much,she misses you until now,her first daughter." Nazmeera felt more tears trail down her face and she planted a kiss on the side of Zeenat's face.

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