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Ivris opened a door and let me inside before standing in the doorway. There was a bed, there was a dresser, the window wasn't cracked.

"We don't have running water, the Westerners took total control of that. But we have ways of cleaning ourselves. Theres some running water in a creek out back and we made these stalls and put some bathtubs in them. We try and clean the water as best we can. So if you wanted to go and do that, I could show you."

"Thank you," I looked at her with a genuine smile.

"Theres some clothes in that dresser, I doubt they'll fit you but it's worth a shot until we can get clothes that properly fit you."

I looked down at my outfit, seeing the blue tank top and the black skirt I wore, I realized I've been wearing this for 2 days now. The shirt though, I had no clue how often I had worn it. It was torn slightly on the side and and I wanted to start yelling.

"What's wrong," Ivris frowned at me as I examined the tear in the shirt.

"I promised I would give this shirt back. But now, it's torn."

"Is it your boyfriends?"

I looked up at her with a look of shock, the emotion on her face was something I'd never seen before.

"It is, isn't it?"

"N-no. I found it when I met you. I don't know who it belongs to, but I just felt attached to it."

She smiled, "I think I know who it belongs to."

My eyes widened, "W-who?"

"Ah ah. I'm not telling. You'll just run off if I tell you."

"Nuh uh!" I denied childishly, causing her to laugh.

"Liar, you definitely would. You would instantly start running through the compound looking for him"

"Well, uh you see. You are not incorrect."

"See," she smiled, "Rest up. You're meeting the leaders tomorrow. It's about 1 pm right now. My room is at the end of the hall."

She closed the door and walked down the hall. I was left alone for the first time since waking up in that field and it felt..

It felt weird.

Normally I'd revel in my loneliness, but right now I wanted to sit with Ivris and pretend to be children from before the Fall again. I enjoyed having someone to talk to; someone my age to talk to.

I shook my head, as though that would make my thoughts stop running, and looked towards the dresser. I walked over to it, opening the top drawer.

Pants. They looked very warm and comfortable. I opened the second drawer, t-shirts and tank tops. Third drawer; under-clothes. Bottom drawer; art supplies.

I looked through the top drawer for a pair of pants I thought would fit best. Finding a pair of sweatpants that looked the smallest, I threw them on after removing my skirt and my boots.

There was a knock at my door. I walked carefully over to it, as though the door would explode if I walked too quickly to it.

"Who is it?" I asked softly, but still loud enough for the other person to hear.

"I'm Kale. I heard Capri's daughter arrived and I wanted to meet you. And I have gifts for you."

I opened the door so she could see my face. Outside stood a woman with short wild, curly, black hair that reached a little past her chin. Her eyes were bright blue, they reminded me of the sky.

"Oh you look nothing like Capri or Jace. Are you sure you weren't abducted?"

"I've been asking that for years. Ivris said she would help me find my real dad."

"Can I come in?" She asked me, and I opened the door for her.

As she entered the room I could see her entire form. She had a pile of stuff in one hand and another hand held motherly over her stomach.

"Are you expecting?" I asked, gesturing to her stomach. A large grin covered her face.

"Yes. That's why I'm here. I live at the Easterners but after a few women experienced miscarriages there, the Northerners volunteered to care for all pregnant women, due to their success in the food realm. It took alot for my husband to convince me to try for a child. After a few women succeeded with having a child, I was convinced."

"So you're an Easterner?"

"Yes. I was moved to their side after.. After a very brave woman came to the Westerners by chance," she looked down at the floor, "I will never stop thanking that woman."

"Who was she?"

"H-Her name was Cameira," I took notice of Kales use of the past tense, "She was so brave. Not to mention how stubborn that woman was."

"What happened to her?"

"She.." Kale took a breath, "She risked her life, to save everyone else. In those last moments.. She didn't even try to save herself. She just.. She just let it happen because she knew it would save us."

She lowered the collar of her shirt and turned towards me. There was a large scar emblazened from her shoulder to her sternum.

"I almost lost my own life trying to get to her. I wanted to help her, but a Westerner pushed me to the ground an-." She stopped talking for a second, "and tried to stab me. But then Darren threw him off of me. He saved my life."

"What did you do after that?"

"I married him," her eyes lit up at the mention of it, "I had already involved myself with him before then, but at the time it wasn't anything serious. After he saved me, I saw more in him and I gave him another try. Not doing that in the first place was one of my biggest regrets."

She looked at the stuff in her hand and looked at me, "Sorry, I meant to give these to you but then I got carried away," she laughed a little before handing them to me.

"No it's okay," I smiled at her, "It was nice learning about you."

"That's just the overview then. I'm down in the maternity ward if you ever wanted to know more."

"Is your husband here too?"

"Not permanently. He's needed in the Easterners, because of the Westerners. He comes by when he can. I assume he'll come tomorrow along with a few of the other leaders."

"I keep hearing about the leaders, but what does it mean."

"Each group has more than one leader, they all meet here when something important comes up. And you're an important thing that came up so they're all making their way here at first notice. Theres the Easterners, the group at the park who still haven't come up with a name, and the group at the strip club that also haven't come up with a name. Those three plus the leaders here are all meeting tomorrow night to discuss plans A, B, C.. All the way to Z to make sure we can get you to the Westerners safely. Or something pertaining you and taking down the Westerners, and also what to do after that."

"Ah, okay," I looked at the gifts she had handed me, books.

"I hope you know how to read."

"I'm afraid that never came across my studies."

"Well. When this is all said and done, we'll make sure you get sent straight to learning how to read."

"That sounds pretty nice. I can't wait."

"It was nice meeting you, Konida. I'll see you at dinner."

"You too."

With that she left me with my pile of books that were actual gibberish to me.

Fifteen ✔Where stories live. Discover now