「❶」Crash Landing

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The Trolls ran.

The harsh thumping of huge feet thundered behind them. The Bergens had found their sanctuary and destroyed it, now they were chasing them through the forest, gaining in speed as they went.

King Peppy was looking around the forest for anything that would help them lose the ugly creatures that pursued not far behind.

He suddenly took a turn into the underbrush, causing some trolls to stumble as they followed him.

Soon, the only sound that could be heard was the pitter-patter of the colorful being's feet against the soft grassy ground.
King Peppy came to an abrupt halt as he finally spotted the endless hole in front of him.

The sound of yelling and stomping grew closer as everyone looked to Peppy for directions, but before he could say or do anything, his feet were taken out from under him and he found himself falling down the hole.

Everyone felt their hearts stop as they watched their king fall down into the abysm. Poppy tried to go after her father, but was held back by Creek, who shook his head.

Suddenly, there was a harsh wind that took everyone off of their feet, even Biggie found himself in the air.

Branch tried to hold onto something, but found nothing as he tumbled down the hole with everyone else.
The trolls tried to make the best of it all and played around, some doing flips, and whatnot, while others simply laughed and floated around imitating birds.

But the moment was short lived, for a sudden speck of white light could be seen off in the distance, but was quickly drawing nearer by the second.

The light was so blinding. They had to close or cover their eyes to protect themselves from the oh so bright nothingness as it swallowed them.

After a few seconds, they suddenly crashed down onto something hard, causing multiple trolls to groan in pain, while others were lucky enough to land on the other Trolls, or simply caught themselves with their hair before they hit down.

As soon as they all regained their posture, a look of confusion crossed most of their faces as they examined their surroundings. This wasn't anything close to where they were a few minutes ago. Where are they?

Poppy glanced around her before taking a deep breath.

"Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave" Everyone began to join in, singing in the background. "is stringing us along
Just know you're not alone-" Poppy and Everyone else was cut off by Branch, who was now yelling at them.

"What are you doing?! This isn't even close to being a good time for one of your stupid singsong moments! What if the Bergens hear you, huh, what are you going to do then?! Sing them to death?!" Branch yelled while making gestures with his hands. Right now he did not even caring that she was a princess, he just wanted to make his point clear... and he wanted some silence.

Once he knew that he had everyone's attention, he began to speak. "Now, from what I can tell, this is a Bergen's home." He gestured to their surroundings. "So there will be no more singing from now on, unless you want to be eaten. Do I make myself clear?"

Before anyone could respond, Poppy spoke up. "Wait! If this is a Bergen's house, then why is it so clean? Bergens don't have clean homes." She crossed her arms over her chest, as if trying to make a point.

Branch sighed in frustration. Why did she always have to look on the positive side of things when there weren't any!

The survivalist opened his mouth to snap at her, but was cut off by the sound of the door clicking.

Foreigners of Humanity (Trolls x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now