「❷」"What are you exactly?" "What are YOU?!"

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What's happening?!

This couldn't be your sleep deprived mind trying to tell you something, it was all to real for that to be the case.

Seeing a pink glow coming from the flowerpot you had put back on the shelf earlier...and seeing as to how it was the closest glowing object to you, you cautiously creeped towards it. The closer you got, the more you could hear the small and angry whispers coming from within it, but as soon as you picked it up, the whispering stopped.

Your orbs widened with surprise as a bubblegum pink face pops out from between the leaves. She let out a slightly nervous laugh before speaking. "Um, hi! My name's Pop-"

The pot slips through your fingers out of shock before she could finish her introduction. I mean... it wasn't intentional, it just.. happened.

The plant pot shatters as soon as it hit the floor, causing multiple fragments to scatter across your wooden floor.

Many gasps could be heard as trolls began to emerge from behind various objects as their eyes landed on the broken pot.

You watched in confusion as they began to run around like chickens that got their heads chopped off. Some of them were screaming while others were hugging each other.

Suddenly, you felt something hitting your bare foot. You looked down in confusion, only to see an orange midget hitting you with a walking-stick.

You crouched down and tilted your head in slight curiosity. The crazy haired creature kept repeating the same phrase over every time he hit you. "Bad Bergen, bad Bergen!"

With a bemused expression, you reached your hand out to pick the tiny thing up, to make sure that the creature is in fact real and NOT a figment of your imagination.

But just as you were about to pick it up, a rather glittery one ran in between the two of you, which led to you grabbing the sparkling one instead of the orange.

It doesn't matter to you, just as long as you can get a good look at one of them, it was fine with you.
You have to squint to see the details of the small creature, but notice that it was actually covered head to toe in silver glitter, but not a speck of sparkles is on it's green nose. You watched with curiosity as it's blue eyes widen with what you could only deduce as fear, and it's hands flew up in defense, as if you were going to do something terrible to it.

Unknown to you, the poor Troll thought you were about to eat him, so he did the only thing he knew to do in this kind of situation.

A hiss exploded from between your teeth as you felt yourself become blinded by the troll in your fist.
It had just blown a shit ton of glitter in your face. It went up your nose, in your mouth, all over your face, but the worst of it went into your eyes.

Out of reflex, your grip on the glittery bastard released as you used both hands to try and clear your eyesight. You couldn't help but to stumble backwards a bit, and for some reason, you found yourself trying to avoid stepping on any of the lunatics that are running around your feet.

Well, at least now you know that this isn't just some messed up trick that your mind is playing on you.

As you stumble backwards, your eyes snap open as a sudden pain shots through the bottom of your foot, causing you to let out a yelp of pain and surprise as you trip over yourself.

Foreigners of Humanity (Trolls x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now