「❸」"___ doesn't take well to compliments."

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"So, what are you exactly?" Poppy questioned, quite curious about you.

A snort left your nose. "What are YOU?!" You asked, bringing her closer to your face, because dear god she was tiny, it was so hard for you to see her face properly.

She grinned up at you, but you didn't really understand why. "We are one of the happiest creatures to ever live..." She dramatically paused for a few seconds. "The Trolls!" Poppy exclaimed out of excitement while throwing her little arms in the air. "We love nothing more then to sing, dance, and hug. Sing, dance, and hug. Danc-"

You held up your other hand in an attempt to silence her, and it surprisingly worked. "Yah, I can see that." You interrupted sarcastically while looking at all the trolls who were still clinging to you.

"But, one day, the trolls were discovered by," Poppy gave another dramatic pause. "A Bergen!"

Multiple gasps came from the trolls surrounding you as they huddled closer, as if this was some sort of story time for little kids and the teacher was telling a mind-fucking story about a caterpillar that ate so much shit, that it gave it's self a goddamned food coma, and then turns into a majestic fucking butterfly! Because butterflies don't give a shit, they will bitch slap logic in it's douche bag face and say. "Fuck you! I wanna be beautiful as fuck now, and there ain't nothing you can do about it!" And then fly off into the sunset like the little psychopaths they are.

...goddamnit, we're getting way off topic here...

...but still....

Fuck butterflies.

You raised an eyebrow at the tiny princess that stood on the palm of your hand. "What the hell is a Bergen?"

Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped open a bit, giving you the you-can't-be-serious look. Before she could recover from your lack of knowledge, a little someone cut in.

"You seriously don't know what a Bergen is?!"

I'll give you a hint, his name is Branch.

You turned your (E/c) gaze over to the small gray troll who was giving you the you're-stupid-as-shit look. "You look just like one!"

With a glare, as if saying you-better-watch-your-mouth-or-I'll-squish-your-tiny-ass, you snorted, placing Poppy on the ground (gently, might I add). You shooed all the trolls off and away from you before getting up. "Really now? Explain to me what a Bergen is, and I'll try to see if there are any similarities between us." You crossed your arms over your chest and leaned against the wall, being mindful of your foot.

To be honest, Branch was a little intimidated when you stood up, (E/c) eyes glaring down at him, showing no emotion. To hide his own fear, he glared back up at you. He had never seen anything like you before in his life. Hell, you might even be taller then any Bergen he'd ever seen. Everything in his body was screaming Bergen, but his instinct said otherwise, which reminded him, they still didn't know what you are. "Before I tell you what a Bergen is, why don't you tell us what you are, seeing as to how you already know what we are, it's only fair."

You sighed. "Well, for starters, I'm a human. Most of the human race are dickholes of society, but there are a few who are pretty kind, but it's rare to find someone who is genuinely nice like that. So yah, what I'm trying to say is, the human race sucks ass and needs to become less complicated." You snorted.

"Well, we think you're very nice," You turned your head towards the voice who spoke, only to see a purple troll with a peach nose. "And I personally find you to be quite good looking."

You felt your eye twitch. 'Did...did this little shit just hit on me...?'

You watched in silence horror as his eyes scanned over your tall frame.

Yes. The answer is yes, this little shit did in fact, just hit on you. (Sorry not sorry)

You quickly turned your gaze away from the small, smirking troll in discomfort, because damn is he creepy.

Most of those poor little trolls didn't quite catch onto what Creek meant exactly when he said that, and decided to join in on complimenting you on your looks and what not. Let me just tell you this. ____ doesn't do good with compliments. At all.

You took a deep breath through your nose before turning away from them and completely disappearing down the hall in search of a med kit that you keep in the bathroom cabinet.

They followed you, of course. Having to run in order to keep up with you, even if you were limping. Once you had the med kit, you limped back to the living room, having full intentions to fix your foot.


I'm sorry this chapter is shorter then the others.

I'm not sure when the next chapter is coming out.

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