Chapter 1

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Miki's POV

I can finally get some peace from those adults. This world is really not my type. I have no new discovery of here and that. I really wish that I was reincarnated in the future. It is much more comfortable there, I guess. I really wish I would.

I also found out my name. It's Miki Linux. Daughter of the earl.

After eight months, I can finally understand their language. I may not know it but at least I can understand it. A person might take three years or more. Why? they rarely visit me. I am somewhat glad I had these brain of mine.

I continued to act like a baby and still wasn't able to walk. Even I can, I know I shouldn't. In my perspective, these people will call me a genius if I did it. Babies in these world, walk at the age of a half and a year 'til two years old. So, I kept sleeping. It really is convenient to be a baby.

I hate being surrounded. I don't want to be unique. I am happy that less people are coming to me.

The way they look at me is that as if I am a thorn at their sight. Except father. I don't want to be different. I want to be treated as a normal one.

Luckily, my father visits me everyday. Every three hours, he kept going in my room Of course, I act naturally.

"Papa!" that is the only word I was able to say now.

I happily(?) gone to father and hugged him. He looks at me with a smile and gave me a present.

When I open it, it was a mirror. A shiny mirror.

I always wanted to look on my face. I always wonder what's wrong with my eyes. I can't even see my hair. It's short that's why I can't.

I happily accepted the present and give him a smile. My father look so happily as I received it. My sister called him and look away from me. I looked at the mirror and see my face

I stare at the mirror. My hair is black so do my eyes is. My skin is pale too. My face has the looks exactly like my past life. 


For a sudden moment, my eyes glows blue. It really shocked me that I even drop my mirror. Without wasting that moment, I cried. It is obviously a fake. Thanks to that, my father was trying to comfort me.

After that, father gone away the room. I also stop acting like a toddler. He went away after I slept. Adults are dumb on babies and act like they know them.

Now that I think about it, I never gotten out of this room. I was never allowed to.

Whenever I pointed outside, my father tries to distract me from going outside.

Is it because of my hair and eyes? People in this world doesn't have a hair like this. Their hair and eyes are always beautiful and colorful. 

But at that time, my eyes glows light blue. I don't know why. It really makes me think what's wrong with me.

I'm tired for now. Maybe I should think about it after I woke up

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