Chapter 48

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Third Person's POV

Hidden among them, a group of people silently kills the reinforcement of the castle from the inside and move towards to their next objective. Outside, a group of soldiers and rebels are fighting one another. They've been fighting for more than an hour that they already feel so exhausted.

Within the rebels was girl whose brown hair is cut short and her emerald eyes are full of murderous intent. Jeanne(Miki's Older Sister) cannot help but feel so irritated. She cannot join the main attackers and can only stand in the sidelines, giving orders.

Her eyes slanted as she saw the rebels very exhausted and can only give an order of retreat. But she cannot help but smile beautifully. Her noble aura as still retains on her even after the changes. As she ordered for them to retreat, soldiers are already trying to capture them.

Suddenly, the place became quiet as they hear a loud sound that follows in a rhythmic pattern. The rebels are in full of joy as they knew their reinforcement had alreadyarrives and attack it's side of the enemy's soldiers.

But on the other side, it was opposite. The soldiers were full of despair as they don't know what to do anymore. They cannot help but worried what will happen in their lives. They rather faced a three thousand of tired army than a thousand of energetic army. They were too tired right now. They wanted to escape but the escape routes have already been sealed. They were fully surrounded. They cannot help but feel despair.


Luke tried to run every nook of the castle but still couldn't find Joseph. No, he kept getting lost even he memorized the layout of the castle. Luke cannot help but feel this mage is someone more powerful than him. Luke himself has an almost perfect control of his mana but cannot beat it even if he was blessed by most of the spirits. He knew that the only thing will be able to beat him os when it comes to mana. The higher the mana it is, the harder to control. The one he might be facing right now must be an expert! This expert had leave no flaw. He had already Luke dancing in his palm.

"Who would have thought that I would be cornered like this?" Luke eyes turns to it's original red color. He is smiling devilishly and cannot hold his murderous intent.

"But that cannot stop me for hindering from my revenge" Luke gathered all his mana and strength to dispell this magic. He attack all areas that he could find and forcefully attack the dimensions apart. Saddly, it is only a meter that has been torn but it was enough to get out.

As soon as he gets out, he notices that the others must be also in an illusion. Unfortunately, he has all his mana drained and can only maintain his conscious for a minute. He used this as he sends a message to Jeanne to beware of the illusion and send where he is.

Hiding in the shadows, someone was watching him. Her presence seems to be hidden so perfectly that one would thought that she was never really there. Her pure blue eyes are full of pity as she watches him. She murmurs, " Among the rebels, someone betrayed them in order to save them. The stars have aligned. What will you do now, Miki?"

A white owl landed on her shoulders. In it's eyes it was smiling so viciously as she enjoys the show. The owl's mouth and began to speak.

"You already know, priestess"

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