Chapter 5

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Mason POV

I sighed when she went limp. This felt like it was going to be impossible. Usually by the time they hear the voice in their head newly changed wolves give in to the fact of what they were becoming.

I felt her bones moving under her skin. She was going to change. I got up and left the cage. There was no point in being in the cage with her once she's a wolf.

It took about 30 minutes for her to complete the change. Considering it was only her second change, it was pretty fast.

What was surprising was the color of her wolf. Usually wolves take the same color of their hair as humans...usually.

I sat back down on that uncomfortable chair and watched her changed. Usually wolves tend to look away when other wolves complete the change. I don't.

It is what we are and I'm not ashamed. To some it is gruesome and disgusting, to me, it's just a change. It's a part of what we are.

One thing was for sure, she's a beautiful wolf. Her fur wasn't brown or grey like I expected her to be.

She was blue. It wasn't sky blue or a dark blue. Others would confuse her with being grey, but her coat has a blue undercoat. It was incredibly unique.

The wolf was huffing as she rested after the change. It would exhaust her for a while before she could pop up after a change.

Even though she was too tired to move, those amber eyes glared up at me. This wolf didn't like me too much, probably because I told the girl that she needed to gain control over the wolf.

I couldn't break the eye contact with her.  I wouldn't let her think she intimidated me.

But then she started growling. Without breaking eye contact, I got off the chair and crouched down next to the cage. The only advantage she had was that she had claws. She was untrained and didn't know how to fight or defend herself. I had been defending myself from my brother since I was 3.

This wolf just didn't want to be pushed around, and I could understand that, but that was too bad. I've dealt with too many new wolves who could think they could push me around. I was not going to take that from a little girl.

So I'd go with the intimidation factor and knock any rebellion right out of her.

She walked over to the bars with her ears pinned back and her teeth bared, snarling at me. It would've been cute if it wasn't a challenge.

I growled at her. It wasn't hard to growl when you're a werewolf. It's a form of communication.  It lets the newer wolves know who they're not supposed to mess with.

Shock was the first thing in her eyes. That lasted for maybe 5 seconds. Then fury flashed through her. I hadn't been so surprised in 20 years. Usually wolves would roll onto their backs and give me their throats.

She didn't. That interested me.

I'd just met my next project.

I pulled out my phone and rang my brother without even glancing at the phone.

"Aren't you supposed to be watching the girl?"

"I am watching her. You should come see if you can get her to submit." I said with a smile staring right into the furious golden eyes of the new wolf.

"You can't get the new girl to submit?" He asked sounding too amused for my liking.

"Just get down here and try." I snapped before ending the call. He'd be here soon enough, if only to bust my balls.

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