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If you are reading Twisted Fate, you should probably wait to read this chapter. There is a spoiler in here. If you choose to read it, don't blab on the Twisted Fate chapters and ruin it for the others who are in for the surprise!

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Eight months later…

Lexi's POV

I was nervous. So nervous that I had burned my hand because I was shaking numerous times when I was curling my hair before letting it rest in curlers. But he wasn't even coming alone. Mason, Grayson, Casey and Chris were coming with the group of recruits I had trained with. I was going to see everyone again and I couldn't have been more excited. My wolf was even excited. It was so much easier to cope once I had completely accepted my wolf. We were together now just like all the rest of the werewolves.

Mason hadn't visited in four weeks and hadn’t called in six days. It had been way too long. They were testing the recruits, seeing if they were good enough to be sent off to protect packs. I had done my absolute best to be respectful and not call him until he answered. He'd probably be so busy all he'd do was go right to sleep without even realizing how long it had been since he had called. According to him, rogues were starting to become a bit of a problem. But we didn't really talk about that kind of stuff while he was here.

I missed him when he was gone.

Mikko's babies helped keep me occupied. There were three of them. They had been expecting twins, but when the third one popped out, it surprised everyone. They were adorable and they kept me entertained.

The first few months, after I left the pack house, were rough. I wasn't connected to my wolf, so would've never been able to cope with everything. Aubrina changed that. She forced the connection between my wolf and me. At first, I hated her guts. I wanted to rip her face off.

That was the pent up rage from my wolf. They locked me in their basement for a few days until I could get a grip on what my wolf was feeling. It was so hard to define a line between what my wolf was feeling and what I was feeling. I never really found one. I suppose that's how it was supposed to be. It wasn't two different people trying to take possession of my body. My wolf and I were one. We had to cope together.

The pain came in waves. Sometimes I craved the connection to Roger that it would literally drive me crazy. Sometimes I was glad he was dead. I felt like I was an addict. I'd find myself gazing off, thinking about how I felt when I was connected to Roger.

Finn reassured me that it was all normal. The bond was so harshly manipulated that Finn suggested that I was actually doing good. I didn't agree.

When I had been here for a full eight months, I was actually excited to see Mason again. He was always so grumpy when he got to Finn's house because he was jet lagged and hungry. I had made sure to make food for him so when he walked into the house, he'd smell the food and come looking for it.

His grumpy face made me smile again. When he realized that I was excited to see him, he wasn't so grumpy anymore. All this time here with Finn's pack had really helped.

I felt healthy again. I had even started sparring with Philip. He was always around the house anyway, so I talked him into it. I warmed up to him really quick. Now that my wolf was fully connected with me, I was stronger and much faster. Philip based my training around my quickness. I couldn't beat up anyone, but I sure could run away!

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