Chapter 15

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Mason's POV

"It's Millender again isn't it?" I asked as I barged into Grayson's office.

He nodded while he was looking at his laptop screen. He knew I was coming, so he didn't flinch like the recruit he had filing for him. "Finn’s trying to track down Millender's assigned alpha to see when Millender went AWOL."

When I glared at the recruit, he took the hint and walked quickly out of the room.

"Do we have a green light on him?" I wanted nothing more than to snap his neck like a twig.

Grayson shook his head, "Not yet. Finn wants to know for sure. He's sending Mikko down for backup."

"He's killed five of the wolves we were meant to protect. Mikko was supposed to be here weeks ago Grayson!" I was losing patience. I didn't have much to give in the first place. "Finn wants to cover his ass and make sure we’re not training psychos who are all going to snap one day."

"Just covering his bases for the calls he's going to get from the worried alphas when this news gets out." Grayson's annoyance was obvious in his voice. We were raised with the idea that alphas weren't supposed to show fear. If they showed fear, they showed weakness. If they showed weakness, they were unfit to lead.

"Great." I muttered as I sat on one of the leather chairs.

"You seem to be taking a liking to Lexi."

I shrugged, "It's nothing special."

"Mhmm." He took a deep breath. "Her scent's all over you."

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't hook up with her. I let her borrow my shirt."

"And that had nothing to do with the fact that she was walking around shirtless where the eyes of all those guys could see her." I knew my brother was trying to rile me up by that too happy smile on his face.

"She attracted the attention of the old man." The old man was the nickname of the retiree living in solitude on the border of our land. He has a shot gun I have always been on the lookout for when on runs with the recruits.

"And what?" Grayson asked amused. "You think she's got a thing for older men?"

"No." I muttered. "I didn't want anyone else to stop us. She could've attacked the old man. Her wolf was still ascended."

Grayson shook his head with that stupid smile. "I bet."

I shifted uncomfortably. I didn't want to talk about Lexi. Grayson would twist everything and make it seem like I had feelings for her--the recruit.

"So what do we do with Millender when we find him?" I asked. I needed to get this conversation back on track.

"Lock him up until we can kill him."

I shook my head unhappily. "It should be kill-on-sight. The warning to stay away was enough, now he's back and killing off the recruits." I knew my brother wanted Millender dead when we caught him talking to Willow. "What if he's trying to get at her again?"

My brother's eyes lightened. "He'll be dead before he gets close enough."

"He's already on the pack lands!" My anger was getting the best of me. I ran my hands over my face. "Let me track him. If he doesn't resist me, I won't kill him."

Grayson shook his head and looked me right in the eyes. "You'll wait for Mikko. Then you'll hunt Millender down and we'll take care of him."

The bastard gave me an order. A real order; I wouldn't be able to wiggle out of or find a way around it. "Fine. I'll wait for Mikko." I didn't have much of a choice. I had to listen to my brother, whether I liked it or not.

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