Chapter 5

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Fighting her instincts to protect her freedom - chapter 5

Ariel spent the night trying to figure out a way of letting Sebastian know that she didn't want to be mated. She failed. Every time she thought about the conversation they were going to have the following day, one of two things would happen: either her wolf would whine about being separated from her mate or Ariel would get distracted daydreaming about Sebastian beautiful eyes.

Finally, at midnight she gave up and went to bed, but the thoughts about her gorgeous mate wouldn't let her fall asleep and she was only getting more and more anxious. After an hour of turning around on her bed, she took the keys to a car for the guests of pack house, drove to the golf club and there went for a run on her wolf form. She lost track of time, she ran until her legs hurt more than she imagined possible and she ended up falling next to a tree exhausted. When she woke up it was already morning and she was late for her classes, so she returned to the pack house quickly, took a shower, changed, took the things she needed for the day and drove to her University as fast as the traffic allowed her.

At noon, the moment she dreaded came. She saw Sebastian waiting for her outside her classroom and greeted him nervously. She tried to sound casual, but she kept getting distracted by his eyes and his soft smile. She hated herself for not allowing herself the opportunity to be with him, but her resolution didn't waver. She had long ago decided what she wanted to do with her life, and mating wasn't part of her dream.

After leaving her books and other stuff at her car, Sebastian and her went walking to the nearby mall. When they arrived, Sebastian asked her where she wanted to go. 

-So, what would you like to eat? Pizza, hamburgers, chicken? 

-Hum, anything is fine. 

-Then let's go to Pizza Hut. My treat. 

-That’s fine. Thanks.

Once seated, and having ordered a medium pizza for each, Ariel decided it was time to talk

-Sebastian, about the other day... I want to thank you for letting me explain what happened and for giving me a little time to think.

-You know I would do anything for you. You're my mate.

Ariel couldn't look at him in the eyes anymore. He was a romantic, this would hurt him.

-That's just it. Do you really think being mates is a good enough reason for two people to get together? I mean, you don't even know me at all. 

-Well, that's what dates are for, aren't they? I'm not saying we should get married tomorrow, I'm just saying that I feel a strong connection to you and I want to make you happy and spend time with you. 

-I just can't...

At that moment the waiter arrived with their order and their stopped their conversation while he was around. When he left, Ariel continued. 

-I'm not your typical werewolf... I don't want to be mated.

She closed her eyes expecting a strong and loud reaction from him, but when none came, she opened her eyes again and looked at him confused. 


-Why what? 

-Why don't you want to be mated? 

-Because I want to be free! I want to travel, experience new things and decide by myself who my friends are and who aren't. Don't you think it's really annoying that we don't even get to choose who to love? Fate decides who we should spend our lives with. Why? Why aren't we free to decide for ourselves?! 

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