Chapter 35 Misbehave 😡😡

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Before marriage day.... Arnav n Shivaye oragnaise a party for youths at Oberoi Mansion ...Elders gone to their rooms... N as wedding is in Oberoi mansion so everyone was staying back N they invite close friends for rumya party...

Shivaye was already ready wearing a casual wine shirt with trousers of same colour... Arnav blue shirt... Rudra white... Om brown... Ranveer green.... (If u don't like my choice... U can choose any clolour of ur choice)

N girls were wearing frock (smiliar colour to their respective partners)  till mid knees priyanka was wearing pink colour......

Everyone was busy checking arrangements n arranging....guests started to arrive...

Anika slips...  shivaye holds... They were staring each other... Shivaye was holding her waist... Anika holded his shirt....

Prinku hugs a person...

Rohit -Hi Prinku... Howz u... Where is shivaye... my buddy

He sees Anika.... But sees the back of man.... He stares her....

Rohit -Y she is here

Prinku avoids it n changes the topic...
Shivika separates... Before our Rudy interrupt

Rudra -Bhaiya bhabhi mujhay pta hai aapko romance Karna hai but yaha nhi bedroom Mai

Shivaye slaps him tightly... Anika goes from there blushing...

Too many guests were there... All Thnx to Mr Rudra Singh Oberoi ...he called his entire college friends... N invited  siblings n in law siblings friends too....

Shivaye n Rohit did not meet... Rohit met Om only...

Anika was standing with Ishana...

Rohit -Hey miss...

Anika turns n sees him n gives him shooting glares...

Rohit -Would u mind to dance to me
Anika - least interested

Anika turns to leave...
Rohit holds her hand... Anika faces him

Ishana -Leave my di's hand Mr.
Anika -Leave Rohit.... Otherwise it won't be gud...
Rohit - Y when u can romance with other men then y not me...

She slaps him...
Everyone looks at them shockingly...
Arnav comes there... Shivaye was not there he was busy with his life partner (Bluetooth)

Arnav -Wht happened anu...

He sees Rohit... OmRu n soumya... Ranveer n swara too comes.

Arnav -Whts ur problem man
Rohit -oh really ...whts ur problem... Y r u interfering when I m talking to u .. Before 7 years she interfered when matter was between arnav n us n she slapped me

Om-Slapped u
Rudra -Kya baat hai... Aapkai charan kaha Haii bhabhi😘😘

Anika -The day I slapped shivaye... Even I slapped him... Accusing my brother n showing his surname pride
Rohit -Ohh so u r Anika Singh Raizada..

Om-Say srry to Anika
Rohit -Y should i
Om-Y u holded her hand...
Rohit -Whts the big deal
Om-Wht do u mean
Arnav -Wht r u saying

Rohit -When she was romancing with a man in public... Y not with me
Arnav -With whom
Anika -Even I m romancing with anyone... Wht's ur problem
Rohit -I have ....even I want the same pleasure...

He tries to hold her chin... Before Arnav holds him.... He gets a punch in his face... Rohit places his hand on the place he got punch... He sees the person who punched him.... He sees angry bloodshot eyes of Shivaye Singh Oberoi

Shivaye -How dare u try to touch her
Rohit -Hey... Have u gone crazy... She is same person who slapped u...
Shivaye -So wht... How dare u try to touch her...

He holds his collar

Rohit -Shivaye have u gone crazy... How can u forgot tht slap... I wanted to take revenge from her but she escaped...
Shivaye -Wht do u mean

Still holding his collar

Rohit -The day she slapped us both... I asked my spies to follow her n came to know she left to America... I never knew her identity but my sister was her friend..after one year I met her... I tried to hold her but she insulted me again... I was going to molest her but her security kept her safe n put me in prison for last six year
(So guys this is the reason y Rohit n Anika knew each other)

Arnav punches him

Arnav -How dare u

Shivaye was about to beat him

Rohit (shouts) -Wht has happened to u... U r supporting Raizadas n u r supporting this girl who romances with anyone for money...

Shivaye slaps him n punches him... Arnav comes to beat him but shivaye gestures him to stop.. Anika gets teary eyed... Shivaye intertwined his fingers with Anika fingers... N brings her near Rohit... Who is lying on floor.

Shivaye -Dont u dare to utter a word against my wife Mrs. Anika Shivaye Singh Oberoi
Rohit was shocked
Rohit -Bt..

Shivaye gestures Anika... Anika gets it... Anika holds Rohits collar n slaps him... He was about to hold her ...ranveer comes n holds his hand

Ranveer -Dont u dare to touch my sister
Rohit -Have Oberoi's gone crazy... Om n rudra Wht has happened n shivaye u
Rudra -Bas bhaut hoga... Don't u dare to say again anything about my bhabhi... N who called u here... I didn't then who..

Priyanka hestitates... Shivaye sees it

Shivaye -Throw him out..

Anika hugs him n whispers *Thank you *
Shivaye whispers *for Wht *

Before they continue... Rudra

Rudra -Bhaiya bhabhi bas Karo na... Kitna romance kartai ho

Shivika blushes... Rest of the party goes smoothly... Couples dancing on slow music except priyanka....

Imagine Shivika in naina Tera dance.... Arshi on Ippknd title Bg music (Honeymoon special in home dance)  rumya on ishq wala love...  Ishkara on ishq bulava

Precap -Promo 1

Will upload next part on 9 ....pls guys wish me for my exam on 9...pls pray for me.... N sorry for keeping u all wait

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