Chapter 65 Decision of AruVeerAnu

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Shivaay.... Omkara... Rudra... Priyanka was shocked n was not able to say anything...

Anika -Wht do u want to say Mr. Oberoi?
She goes near Shivaay holds his collar n moves him
Anika -How many lives u want from our family?  Com'Mon tell Mr.oberoi
Shivaay -Anika wo (almost whispers)

Anika -Tomorrow u will take my life too...  God knows u urself will kill me
Shivaay -Anika stop it

Anika -y truth hurts u... Bcz of ur parents we lost our parents... Bcz of ur sister we lost our sister....wht u want next my brothers n sisters life? Aru lost his love... Whose life u want next??  R u taking revenge on me ...

Anika cries n looses her conscious... Shivaay holds her... Arnav comes n takes her n lays on her couch..

Arnav sprinkles water on Anika.. N makes her drink water
Ranveer -Have u taken ur medicines
Anika makes puppy face
Arnav -Anika... Forget ur ice cream for one week
Anika -Wht the
Arnav -Anika...
Anika gets up n goes near door
Anika -dont follow me... I don't need bodyguard
Anika leaves
Arnav -Shivaay makes ur decision soon... If yes u can stay otherwise u can leave..

Ranveer -The same condition applies with priyanka (pointing her)  n OmRu (pointing at them).... N yes if u choose no... There won't be any patch up in our relationship... Not only me everyone... Bcz we will take our revenge at any cost n at Tht time as ur opposing us... We might turn into enemies n their won't be any love... A pure hatred between each other... He closes his eyes when he completes it n goes from there

Rudra -Soumya u can't do Tht... U can't listen to ur brothers always

Soumya -Y not.. U always listen to ur brother then y not me... N yes arnav Bhaiya decision is my decision too

Rudra -Anika bhabhi won't agree

Soumya laughs

Ishana -u r really dumbelbell Oberoi... Di wants it anyway... She will do it... She is Raizada Afterall... She will avenge for her parents death even if it's u Oberoi's or the Mafia group...

Shivaay -No... Have u gone crazy... U can't go against Mafia... Especially anika... No never

Arnav -We don't need ur permission Shivaay... We will do Wht we wants

Om-Bhai but she is ur sister... How can u risk her life... They can kill her

Ishana -Not only Anika Di... But me n soumya will be in this plan... I don't think so it won't be risky as much she is staying with Shivaay Singh Oberoi

Rudra -Soumya pls no... Pls forget it

Soumya -How can u say like this

Priyanka -Pls bhabhi... U won't gain anything...  We all lose our love... We all lose a reason to live... Pls

Arnav -Enough... We already suffered a lot... Wht's more... If Anika n soumya is staying in Oberoi mansion it will be risky for them

Soumya... Ishana leaves the room...

Arnav -Theres a room in third floor with Oberoi named door... Password for Tht room is ur eyes... All Oberoi's siblings... U guys can wait there... We need ans till tomorrow morning... N yes there's a elevator on right side...

ShivOmRu priyanka comes out of the room ... He sees no one was there ... Anika comes n she presses on elevator... The elevator opens... Oberoi's too gets inside...  Shivaay was stealing glances while Anika was looking straight... OmRu was noticing the tension...  OmRu was too speak but priyanka stopped them ... Anika was crying silently.... 

Anika Pov

I m sorry Shivaay... I love u a lot but wht u want from me... How much u want me to forgive ur family... My parents 😭😭😭 mom dad y...  In her heart she was screaming... Y us

Suddenly the elevator opens.... Anika goes n ShivOmRu n priyanka follows them...

Oberois sees first door with nameplate as game zone... They sees second door with name plate Rana siblings... N next they saw ranveer standing outside a door...

Anika -Wheres aru now?  Call him.. I m tired
Ranveer -have u forgot we have jammers fixed
Anika -Oh shit...

Ranveer notices priyanka n they stare each other... They both were sad...

Ranveer -Next door is urs... U all have too stand together they will scan ur eyes as password..

ShivOmRupriyanka follows them... They sees the door open...
A large room with couch n table n On it's sides r four rooms n suddenly they notices their childhood photos of them together... They were remembering their childhood moments.... Making fun of each other n smiles... They sees the room with their names... Shivaay n Om on right side n rudra n Priyanka on left side...

They all enters. ..they see a king size bed....washroom attached with each room... N most importantly their childhood photos (single)  were hanging there.. Cupboards were there but it was empty... 

Arnav comes...
Arnav -Srry guys...
They enter their room... Similar to Oberoi's only difference they have pictures from childhood to adulthood... On right side it's arnav n ranveer room n On left side it's Anika room..

Ranveer -Anika have u had medicine
Anika -Yes... I m gonna take a nap wake me up for dinner Pls... 😁😁 aru ur special dish plsssssss
Arnav -Ok

Planning to make between compromise between Shivika but this time Shivaay will have to sacrifice ,already anika had sacrificed a lot

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