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               "Noona, are you almost- uwa..." Jimin walked in as I was getting the hat on. Yup, concert day. "You look beautiful," he ran his hands through his hair, eyeing me from my converse, plaid booty shorts, tight, white shirt, Yoongi's jacket, and then his hat. 

               "Thank you!" I gave him a smile and walked past him to the other members. 

               "(Y/n)-ah! What is with that outfit? Isn't that Yoongi's hat and jacket?" Jin-oppa arched an eyebrow as he threw questions at me.

               "Ne, now let's go," I grabbed Jimine's hand, not even looking at Yoongi. 

               "Are you dressed as Suga-hyung?" Jimin asked, smirking. 

               "Well, ye. I was actually kind of hoping to grab his attention," I sighed quietly. 

               "But his girlfriend... that was the reason you felt awkward on the plane.." Jimin put the puzzle pieces together. Nodding, I let go of his hand, looking at the ground. 

               "Hyung! Why are you so fidgety?" I heard a whap, and looked back, seeing J-hope hitting Yoongi, who made eye with me contact for a moment, then turned his attention to J-hope, hitting the younger man back.

                   "I think it's working," Jimin whispered in my ear. Shrugging, I sighed.


                   "I promise, (made up name in 3, 2, 1) Nijila," I heard Yoongi. We had made arrangements to start writing another song together, but I guess he had different plans.

                    "I don't trust her. She's all over you!" A female, I'm guessing Nijila, yelled. 

                    "She's not a bad person..." Yoongi trailed off. I thought that maybe Nijila walked off, but as I looked back around the corner, I only saw him, against a wall with his hands on a female's waist. 

                    "Just stay away from her, okay Oppa~" It didn't sound like a question.

                 But I call Yoongi Oppa... if I don't call him Oppa, he instantly corrects me. 

                    "Whatever you say, Jagiya," Yoongi gave her a small smile, and kissed her again. Not wanting to watch their make-out session, I quietly left. 

*Flashback End*

                    "It's not," I replied harshly. "Besides, I don't care anymore. He has Nijila."

                    "Who's Nijila?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. Clutching my fists, I took a deep breath. "His girlfriend."

                   "How do you know?" Jimin managed to slip his hand in mine again. 

                    "I saw them kiss. She called him Oppa. He called her Jayiga... isn't it obvious?" I lowered my head.

                     This time, Jimin was balling up his fists. He didn't say anything, but the obvious frown showed that he was mad.

                     "But he kissed you.. he even stole your first kiss..." Jimin's voice was shaking.

                       "Don't you think I know that? Now, you guys have to get ready. I'll be setting up the fan meet room," I practically pushed myself from Jimin and stomped off. 

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