Chapter 3

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Walking into the classroom late is never the best thing. Especially when you have the schools bad boy behind you.

 "Sami O'Clare and Chase Matthews, Please take your seats." I walked pass Chase and headed over the Kyle.

 "What did Chase want with you?" Jesus his is a MOOD!

"Nothing, don’t worry ok!" I said trying calm him down.

I sat in the chair closest to the window, staring at the world beyond high school and the hell I call home. Chase being the bad boy, he is sat at the back of the classroom. I could feel his eyes burning a hole at the back of my head. I turn my head slightly to see what he wanted. But when I turn, all I see him staring at me with concern in his eyes. I take it he didn't understand what I said to him about 'not worrying' about it. Throughout the lesson all I could feel his beautiful green eyes burning  a hole at the back of my head.


"Finally, I cannot stand math." I said to Kyle putting a smile on my face.

"Yeah I know! Why would anyone have math first period?" He led me out the classroom and of course Chase was trying to get out the very small door at the same time.

My arm brushed against his and just like that my skin had goose bumps over it. Chase suddenly looked down at me. I knew he felt it to. We finally got out of the very small door and headed for the school cafeteria. Kyle led me over to where his friends were sitting. As always I put on a fake smile and said I was ok.

"OH MY GOD! What happened to your face!?" Brent asked.

"What? Never seem a bruise before. I fell down the stairs." I said with sarcasm in my voice.

"Whatever, we all know is that someone had a good time with you. You just didn't know when to stop." Brent said in his mocking tone. Oh I could kill him.

"BRENT! That’s enough!" Said Kyle and little bit Pissed off May I add.

"Well that's enough drama for a day. So are we going to have lunch or not?"

"When are you never not hungry Matt?" Kyle said sitting down. Matt and Brent are friends of Kyle's. They have known each other since the fifth grade, we are seniors now. I get along with Matt, we have a laugh and get over it. But when it comes to Brent I could punch that smile he is always wearing right off his face and feel no remorse. But If  I did that, the whole of mankind would drop dead because his beautiful face would be ruined. I have to say he's not a player but sure as hell is VERY stuck up.

"Since when do you Miss. Sami, have a bad boy staring at you?" Brent Says.

All three of us turn our heads at the same time and see Chase Staring at me. Kyle being the jealous type wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He just had to touch my bruise! We turned back around once Kyle and Chase had finished giving each other death glares. The boys began to talk about football practise and what they are going to do on the weekend. Three guesses that homework didn't come up. I look over at Chase. He just stared at me and I did the same. I felt like it was just us in that room and....... I liked that. Until Kyle interrupted.

"Huh?" I said completely dazed.

"We're heading off to football practise I'll see you after school?" He says giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah ok"

"Great Bye. I love you" He in a delighted tone.

I just smiled back at him. I got up walked out of the cafeteria. I was alone, again. Nice going Sami! I walked over the locker opened it, grabbing the biggest and no joke the biggest English textbook. The whole 800 pages of it. I shut my locker and jumped six foot in the air.

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