Chapter 19

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Sami’s POV

During school Chase seemed a little on edge and very jumpy. Even though Math when the teacher yelled at a student for being late Chase leaped out of his seat in fright. Since Chase was jumpy it gave me a chance to talk to Sean. He really seemed like a nice guy, plus he was attractive which is a bonus.

“So… where are you from?” I asked

“Well I born in Seattle and then we moved here to New York.”

“So what do your parents do for a living?” I questioned.

“Oh… umm” I could see that I hit a sore topic and I didn’t really know how to move on from there, but thankfully I didn’t need to.

“Hey Sami, you ready to leave yet?” Chase asked

“Oh yeah, sorry. Bye Sean.”

“Bye Sami.”


The ride home was really uncomfortable. Chase was silent and seemed deep in thought.

“So Chase, I’m thinking of dying my hair pink, and OH! Guess what I’m Pregnant.” I say.


“CHASE!” I yell.

“What- oh um sorry, uh that’s good for you.” He stumbles.

“Chase is everything ok? You know you can tell me right?” I question.


We arrive home within only a matter of minutes, it’s so annoying that Chase isn’t telling me something. Does he not trust me enough? Did I do something wrong? As we walk into the door I notice that Katie isn’t home. She must be working a day shift today. As soon as we’re inside Chase go’s straight to our room and still doesn’t say a word to me. I follow him upstairs. As I walk in I see him in the middle of the bed, his knees pulled up and his head resting on his forearm.

“Chase?” I slowly say.

“Sami, I need to tell you something.” He said and I can feel my heart rate begin to race.

“Anything” I state.

“Sami, I love you.” Chase looks up at me.

I slowing begin to walk over to the bed and pulling him into a hug.

“I love you.” I whisper.

Chase slowly flips us over, so my back is now on the bed. Chase leans in and kisses me. His kiss was different, it was powerful and it was full of different emotions. Love, lust, passion, need. I felt Chase bite my lower lip, asking for entrance which I gladly complied. Chase and I’s tongue fought for dominance, which of course he won.  I run my fingers though his caramel hair slightly pulling on his hair. I feel his hands slowly running up the sides of body. I begin to tug at the bottom of his shirt.

“Take if off.” I whisper, slightly out of breath.

Chase didn’t need to be told twice. In one swift movement his shirt was now lying on floor somewhere in the room. I ran my fingers over his arm muscles slowing making my way to his 8 pack. I felt him shutter to my cold fingers running over his body. Chase broke the kiss and pulled off my shirt throwing it onto the now growing pile of clothes. I make my way down to his jeans, I then felt his hands being placed over mine.

“We don’t have to go this far, I can wait.” Chase States

“No, I want to, I'm ready.” I say.

“Ok but, if you want me to stop just say so ok?”



2 Hours Later.

I lay next to Chase trying to catch my breath. I hear Chase also trying to do the same.

“That was…..” Chase Starts

“Mind blowing” I say.

“Mind blowing.”

“Chase, you were my first.” I slowly state.

“You were my first as well.”

As Chase and I were laying on the bed deep in our thoughts, we suddenly hear the doorbell ring.

“Just leave it they’ll come back…maybe.” Chase whines

“It could be important.”


“Come on, plus I'm hungry!!” I complain.

“Oh all right.”

Chase and I jump out of bed and put on the clothes that were lying on the floor. I suddenly blush at memory of what just happened.

“Why are you blushing?” Chase asks

“Because I just realise we just had sex!” I state.

“Do you regret it?” He asks

“No, but I am little sore. Do you regret it?”

“Not a bit.” Chase pulls me in for a quick kiss.

We slowing make our way down the stair and open to the door to a very impatient Kyle.

“Kyle what are you doing here?” Chase asks, suddenly becoming very serious.

“It’s about Sean and Michael.” Kyle says.

“What about them?” I’m suddenly very confused.

“Can I come in?”

“Yes” we both say.

Kyle makes his way into the living room and sits down, leaning towards Chase and I.

“Chase, around 6 years ago your dad made a deal with some dodgy people, they deal in firearms and explosives. Apparently one day your dad pissed off the boss, which of course you really shouldn’t do and somehow set up a bomb in his office killing nearly all the workers. The people who did survive gave him the upmost respect and made him leader.  As I was going through his file I noticed that Michael had been making regular phones calls to someone in the area. One being Sean and two being my mother.” Kyle Explained

“So wait, if Chase’s dad is the leader of some underground dealings what does he want with Chase? And why is he talking to your mother? “I question

“He want’s me to work for him.”

~Writers Note~

Hello readers! I’m soooo sorry that I didn’t update yesterday L Of course my computer decided to stuff up and not upload ANYTHING!!!So I made this chapter a little longer. Now I didn’t go into detail for the sex scene because to honest that was REALLY awkward to write so yeah… Any who I hope you enjoy this chapter and I also made a book “Actors for I fell In Love with a Badboy” and in that book you will see what actor is playing who. So I suggest you all read that.  You all know the dill:






Love, Peace & all things Sweet!


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