Chapter 10

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Chase's POV

I left Sami to head over to my locker. I HATE Mondays! There once was this real nerd at my school and every Monday he would come in and tell us all about how he loved the Monday sprit blah blah blah. Anyway I don't think he likes Mondays anymore because I punched him one day I haven't heard a single word out of his mouth. Good times! I grabbed my English textbook and walked around the corner to Sami, when I heard her voice. The one only Erica Maxwell. And she was going off at Sami, and I snapped. My fists formed and my breathing became hash. I yelled at Erica.


I grabbed hold of Sami's hand held it close to me and lead her down the hallway ready for English. I felt Sami mumble something breath that sounded like.

"Chase Mathews girlfriend?" She was soo hot when she mumbled, its one of the things I love about her.

Sami's POV

Chase lead me into our English classroom, and for the second time today I felt people's stares burning though my head. Chase and I sat the back of the classroom closest the window. Our usual teacher was sick today so I had nothing better to do then to look out the window for the whole 80 minutes. I was brought out of my day dream with Chase placed his hand over mine. I felt his warmth radiate though my skin. I looked up into the green eyes that were looking down at me.

"How's my girlfriend going?" Chase Said, adding his famous Smirk.

" I'm not your girlfriend!" I said adding my cheeky tone. He just looked at me shocked.

"You haven't asked me properly!" I said. Then Chase caught me off guard placing a kiss on the corner of my mouth. He pulled away, where as I just stared at him. The bell rang and nearly made me jump out my seat. We left the classroom and I told him I would meet him the cafeteria. I had to pee. I neared the door when a pair of rough hands pulled me to the side.

" What the hell- Kyle? What are you going!" I shouted at him

" Is it true?" He said. I heard pain and sadness in his voice.

"Is what True!!"

" Are you dating Chase?" He looked like he was about to cry. I felt sorry for him and I was about to say no, but then I remember what he did to me at the party and he hasn't even said sorry yet. You know what screw him!

"Yes! I'm dating him because ........" I was about to tell him why I was staying with Chase. But all of a sudden I felt his lips on mine. They felt cold and wrong. this was wrong! I tired to push him off me but he just tired to deepen the kiss even more. I Became Scared as all the images from the party came rushing into my head. But just like the party I had someone there to help me.

"KYLE! STEP AWAY FROM SAMI! NOW!" Chase. My Chase. Kyle let me out of his brace and turned to look at a VERY pissed off Chase. I couldn't hold in AGAIN. I started crying, in front of people. I felt soo used and unloved by Kyle, I couldn't even stand to look at him. Chase ran over to me, but before he held me he pushed Kyle to the ground and gave him a black eye.

"How could you do that to her? Look at her?" Chase Yelled at Kyle and turned his head over to where I had my face in my hands. Chase turned Kyle's head to him.

" If you truly loved her, you wouldn't be the one who made her cry." Chase Stood and left Kyle laying there frozen. Chase ran to my side and pulled me into a deep hug. I took in the smell of Chase. It was something I was slowly getting very used to.

"Why did you come looking for me?" I asked. It was a question that was going around in my head since Chase got here.

"I may not me a girl but I know it doesn't take that long to pee." We both giggled. I looked down at Kyle who was slowing picking up his worthless body off the ground. I turned to Chase.

"I hate him" I whispered

"I do too. Come on lets just go home."

" I like that Idea" I picked up my bag and Chase put this hand around my waist and lead my out of the school and over to the car park


We arrived outside Chase's home and Chase came around to open my door. As he opened my door he lifted me bridal style and carried my up into his or should I say our room.

"Chasssseee! PUT ME DOWN!!" I laughed

"Nope" He said popping the "p." We were home alone, I couldn't see another car parked in the driveway and when we unlocked the front door no one was home. Chase carried my up the stairs and placed me on our bed. I was laying flat on my back and Chase was leaning over me, with his elbows on the bed. He was breathing heavily and so was I. Our eyes were locked on each others and our breathing matched each others. I ran my hand though his messy brown hair and then went back to looking at him. He slowing leans in and parts his lips. I lean the rest of the way and my lips meets his. I felt the fireworks and felt the heat of lips on mine. We moved together in sync and deepened the kiss. He slowly pulled away from the kiss and I pouted.

"Sami, Will you be my girlfriend?" He sounded nervous.

"Yes!" I said. He pulled me into another mind blowing kiss. I was the happiest girl alive until the door bell rang. Chase pulled away and grunted. I got up too and we headed to the door hand in hand. Once Chase opened the door I left his body stiffen and his hand grip mine harder.

"What the fuck are you doing here." Chase Spat.

" What are you doing home on a school day with a girl in the home." The man Said. I looked at the man and he looked very familiar. The brown hair, the eyes,..... OH MY GOD! The man at the door is Chase's father.!

"That's nothing you need to worrie about! Mums not here bye." Wow Chase sounded so Cold.

"Now that's not the way to talk to your father now is it?" Chase's free hand went another shade of white. I could see all he wanted to do was punch him. I squessed he hand.

" I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to know why you punch my son?" Chase's Father stated.

"She didn't touch me !" Chase was Clearly very confused.

"I wasn't talking to her, I wanted to know why you punched Mr Black?" His Father snorted

"Son?" I felt sorry for Chase. He was soo confused and so was I. But that name I heard it before. Mr Black?

"Oh Come on boy! did you really think all I was doing all those years ago were just getting drunk?"

Chase Snapped

"JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US BE! WE WANT NOTHING TO WITH YOU!" Chase kicked his father In the stomach and slammed the door shut.

"I'm soo sorry you had to see that." Chase Said. he looked like he could bawl his eyes out.

"Chase, I need to tell you something." That name it clicked! I know why I've heard it before!

"What is it?"

"Chase, Black? haven't you heard it before?" I was getting a little annoyed he didn't know.

"Sami, just tell me!"

"Chase, Black is Kyle's last name. Kyle Black." Chase sat down with his mouth wide open.

"Your father said that you hit his son Mr black. You gave Kyle I black eye at school today, and his last name is Black. Chase, Kyle is your brother."

~Writers Note~

WOW bombshell alert!!!! Really sorry about how long its been. I've had writers block!! But anyway what did you guys think? Kyle is Chase's brother. I wanna know what you think!! I will update on Thursday!! Byeeee



BYEEEEE :) :) :) :)

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