Chapter 17

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Sami's POV      

Once Chase had come home, there was something in his eyes that told me Chase wasn't telling me something. As I walked into our room, I found Chase just pulling up his jeans and about to put a top on. I could feel my heart rate pick up and my palms getting a little to sweaty for my liking.

"You should take a picture, lasts longer." He Said Smirking.

"Sorry was I staring? That’s only because I’ve seen better, oh well am sure I can make do with this." WOW where did that come from

"Baby, please have you seen this?" He lifted up his shirt and showed me his perfect 8 pack, but of course I would never tell him that.

"Oh, I’ve seen it, still not impressed." I said giving him a wide smile.

"You better run."

"One step ahead of you." And I ran. I flew do the stairs and ran around the kitchen, TWICE! As I headed towards the front door, it opened revealing Drew and Ashton. I ran to Drew

"DREW!!!!" I shouted and jumped into his arms.

"Woo oh, Slow down Sami" He said while chuckling.

"Ch-Chase" I said struggling to find the air in my lungs. Right on queue Chase came sprinting out the front door and into the front yard.

"Dude! Put a god-damn shirt on! Please, think about your poor neighbours!" Ashton Complained

"OH YEAH! See even Ashton thinks he's seen better!" I say sounding really pleased with myself.

"Baby girl, I’m going to give you 5 seconds before I make you take that back." I could practically hear him cockiness in his voice.

I shook my head.



I began to slower the rate I was shaking my head at. And I SOO wish I said yes. Chase moved forward and picked me up through me over his shoulder and headed over to the backyard, where of course he has a pool...

"Chase.... CHASE!!! Don't you dare! I’ll do anything, I’ll rub your feet, wash your underwear. I'LL DO ANYTHING!!" I beg

“Fine, say that Chase has the most amazingness body known to man and you’re his.” He smirked

“I can’t I just rub your feet instead?” I bargain

“Nope” Chase lowers me closer to the edge of the pool. He tips me upside down and is about to drop me in the pool.


“See that wasn’t so hard was it?” and not a moment later both Chase and I are submerged in the freezing water.  I swim and kick my way to the surface and fine Chase yet again smirking down at me with a proud smile on his face.

“I will kill you!!!” I begin to splash him with water and waving my hands like a phsyco lady and he still isn’t fazed.

“You done yet?”

I was about to give him a piece of my mind, but like always a voice beat me to it.

“DUDE! Can you please get each other wet when Drew and I aren’t here! PLEASE! And get a god damn shirt on, I don’t want to see your flab!” Ashton yells. I can’t hold my laughter in, I begin clutching my stomach and taking in short breaths. I don’t think my stomach as ever hurt so much from laughing.

I Fell in Love with a Bad BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang