Chapter 7

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Sami's POV

I woke to the sun streaming through the window and onto my face. I tossed and turned, trying to escape the heat from my face.

"Would you stop moving!" Chase said while groaning into his pillow.

"Chasssseeee, Come on up we get" I said while trying to pull Chase of out bed. And let me tell you, that works soo much better in books and movies. While I'm pulling on Chase's arm I slip on the covers and fall straight to the ground with Chase on top of me.

"Now this is the way to get my up in the morning" He Said showing no sign to wipe that smirk right of his face. He leans in and kisses my nose and jumps up. Totally unaffected to what just happened. He puts on a white T and we head down stairs for breakfast.

"I didn't hear you guys come home last night. How did the party go?" Katie asks.

At the mention of the party I see flashbacks from the night before. Kyle, Kissing, bedroom. I quickly shake my head trying to get the images out of my head. I suddenly become tense and very eager to change the subject. Chase who is holding my hand senses this and talks for me.

"We have been to better party's" with Seriousness in his voice.

"Oh well, I'm sure you people enjoyed yourselves anyways. Beaky?"

Chase and I nod our head sync and take a seat at the kitchen bench.


Once we had finished with breakfast, Chase and I head up to his room to get changed.

"Hey Sami!" Chase yells

"Yeah?" I try to mask my nervousness and fail miserably.

"I'm taking you out, dress warm ok" Chase says with back towards me.

"Can't you just tell me where you're taking me?" I beg.

He stops what he's doing and walks over to me, as he walks over to me I slowly back away and corner myself between the walls. Nice going Sami. He raises his arm and I close my eyes and flinch away.

Chase's POV

I'm walking to Sami and I raise my hand to cup her face. She closes her eyes and flinches.

"Sami, Sam. Open your eyes." I whisper She does what I asks and opens her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes I love soo much and I see sadness in them. I can feel my blood boil just thinking what her step-father did to her to make her soo scared when someone came up close to her.

"Sam, I'm not going to hurt you, I will never hurt you. I just thought you would like to go somewhere we can both forget everything in the world and relax. Sometimes I think you would like that very much." I circle my thumbs around her checks and pull the hair off her face. Sami lets out a breath and relaxes.

"So does that mean I get to know where your taking me?" she whispers

"Nope" I said popping the p and adding a smirk to my face. She frowns but quickly masks it by a smile. A smile that I love very much. OMG in turning into a girl I swear! Sami heads into the bathroom and changes, as my eyes take in the beauty of her. That's right you heard it, I Chase Matthews is falling in love.

Sami's POV

We had have just arrived at the secret location to where Chase is taking me. We jump out the car and I see we have reached the beach. One of my favourite places in the world. I begin to run over the water, but I'm stopped by a pair warm hands on my waist. I turn around and see Chase smirking down at me and shakes his head. I slouch, and he leads my over to a small cave at the end of the beach.

"You aren't going to feed me the sea serpents are you?" I ask. seriously thinking about the chance that he just might.

"Don't temp me" He says. And within 5 seconds we burst out in laughter. We reach the entrance to the cave, but to my surprise the cave if full with sand.

"Don't worry, its meant to be this. This is my where I come to think. I look out to the waves and watch the world move as I sit there watching it do so." Chase Explains. I stare at him with my mouth wide open. Who knew the a bad boy would have such a caring side.

"I know you have been wondering who the man in the picture on my desk is. Nine years after we moved next door my dad started to become addicted to alcohol, he would come home some nights and just fall to the floor drunk. One night he came home and started to hit my mother. I heard her scream out in pain, I just stood there in shock. I was 15. 3 days pasted and no harm had come to my mother, until that night my dad came home dunk as ever and got his belt strap and begin to hit, whip and kick my mother. That night I didn't stand and watch I fought back. I pushed my dad to the ground and allowed my mother to get up. I looked into his eyes and I could see that the man who was once my father was pushed soo far down that the man in front of me now was a pathetic excuse for a man. I knocked him unconscious. He went to rehab for 2 years. Only last year he left the rehab centre. But my mother and I have a restraining order against him so he can't touch me or my mother ever again."

I didn't know what to say, I was just in so much shock. I did the thing that I thought I would never do. I took his hand and squeezed it.

"The reason why Pete is my step-father is because, when I was 13 my mum, dad and me were in the car and driving home from a weekend away. I was in the back seat behind my mum in my front. Dad was driving and then out of no where a man ran out, across out onto our lane. My dad swerved causing him to lose control of the car hitting the telephone pole. My dad was killed in the impact. I woke up in a hospital 3 days later. The doctors thought I was in a coma. My mother survived with miner injures. I cried for days when I found out I had lost my dad. Though the part I was most upset about was, that I didn't even get to say good bye. 2 Years later my mum became extremely depressed and slowly went into deep debt. That when she found Pete. They married and then Pete took care of everything, except me. He would beat me if I didn't what he asked and my mother would just sit and watch as she drank. That started when I was 15 and I'm now 17 turning 18. I couldn't go the police because Pete is second in command there, so I just had to live with it."

Chase pulls me closer to him and wipes away the tear that was forming on my face. And pulled my into a deep hug. After around 10 minutes of this, he stood up and reached out his hand to help me up. When all of a sudden he lifted me up and started running toward the water. The water was absolutely FREEZING!! I swam over to him and started to splash him with water. And what did Chase do? He just laughed. He grabbed hold of my wrists and pulled me towards him.

"Wha-" I never got to finish that sentence as Chase's lips danced with mine. They were soft, warm and tasted like him. We moved in perfect sync. I let out a slight groan as I wrapped my hands around his neck, making the kiss deeper. We slowly pulled apart needing to breath. We made our way out of the water and onto the beach, hand in hand. Only to be stopped in our tacks by a mans voice.

"Well, Well its nice to see you"

~ Writers Note ~

Cliff hanger!!!!! Sorry I took sooooo long to update I have had writers block!! please let me know what you think!!! BYEEEEE!!!!




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