Chapter 12

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Unknown POV



"The Boy, he knows, the girl can ruin everything, do you wish me to 'get rid' of the problem?"

"No, he cares for her too much, she will be used as bait to push him into the agreement."


Sami's POV

I woke to the feeling of hot, warm breath traveling down the back of my neck. Chase. I rolled over so I could face him. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Which is a good thing for a change, the last 2 days he has tired to accept the fact that now he is no longer an only child. His new step-brother Kyle. He's trying not to hate him so much.

"I can feel you staring" Chase grumbled

"Its romantic" I said battering my eye lashes

"So what? This isn't?" and all of a sudden Chase was leaning over me, with one hand next to my head and one brushing the hair off my face.

"You want romantic?" Chase Cooed

I could only nod. And without hesitation he began kissing my lips, I pulled him closer to me deepening the kiss. I wanted him and only him. He lead a small trail of kisses down the side of my neck and cheek. I was totally and utterly caught up in the moment and I loved it.. But like all things, it came to an end.


Chase and I grunted and got off one another. As Chase left the bed, my eyes skimmed all over this toned body and his 8 pack. (and really what else would chase have?)

"Come on stare bear! even though the boys at school wouldn't mind you coming to school in your PJs, I however want to make sure that your mine and only mine." He said while smirking.


15 minutes later and we are ready to and leave and are in the car. As chase pulls into the schools parking lot, the usual stares are obvious and most of the cheerleaders or should I say 'Stuck up bitches' are applying way to much lip gloss and pulling up their tight cheer outfit to reveal their 'body'. As Chase stops the car, he wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He leads me over to a bunch of guys in the far corner of the parking lot. I didn't need to look twice to know who they were.

As Chase pulled me towards the group, I could tell that they were 'classed' as 'bad boys.' The first guy I saw, was tall with a medium build. Most girls would say he looked hot, but to me no one was hotter than Chase. He had shaggy black hair and soul piercing blue eyes. Maybe 1 or 2 shades darker than mine. To his left was a guy shorter than Chase, with dirty blond hair and intriguing green eyes.

As Chase and I arrived, he let go of my waist and went to give the boys a 'bro hug'. Once they had finished exchanging hi's, Chase finally introduced me.

"Sami, this is Drew and Ashton." Chase explained.

The dark haired boy with blue eyes was Drew and the blond hair and eyed guy was named Ashton. Drew just smiled at me, and me being me looked down at the ground and back up again. Nice going.

"Hey, I'm Drew. Nice to meet you Sami." He smiled at me and kissed my Cheek.

" A hem?" Chase cleared this throat.

"Did I forget to tell you she was my girlfriend?" Chase stated

"Calm down mate, I just being friendly." Drew defended.

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