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Sami’s POV

8 Years later.

“Jude! Stella! Leave your dad alone. Come here its bath time.” I yell. I hear the heavy footsteps of the four year old kids coming my way.

“Mummy! Jude keeps pulling my hair, and daddy just kept laughing at me.”

 My husband walks into the bathroom and points his finger at young Stella.

“Stel Bel didn’t share her candy with me!” Chase whines. I sometimes feel like a have 3 kids instead of two. 3 months after the funerals I turned 18 but I didn’t really want to do anything. I had finally graduated high school and I now have plans to become a part time journalist and one of the law firms in the area.  Chase surprised himself by also graduating high school and he now works in social work. He helps abused children and teens find a stable home. To say that I was deeply touched by this choice would be an understatement. 3 Years later on my 21st birthday, Chase brought 2 tickets to London and said we needed a holiday. Then when it was beginning to snow Chase brought me right out the front of Big Ben tower and proposed in the snow. I said yes of course. And 6 months later we were married. My mother left the house to come to the wedding and also told me that Pete was now in jail for abusing a minor and also for attempted rape. She looked happy and also sober. Which I was glad for. But wasn’t all that was knew, 1 month after the wedding we found out that I was pregnant, we went to the Ob-Oyen doctor to make sure the baby was fit and healthy.

“Hello Mr and Mrs Matthews, I trust you’re well.”

“Hello, yes were are.” I answer. Chase has been smiling all day but be I could see that he  was nervous. Last night he had dreamt of the warehouse again, losing Drew and my miscarriage. It was the first time in years he cried, it all has been taking a toll on him. The doctor puts some gel on my stomach and then went to measure the heart rate of the baby. The doctor frowned.

“What is it? Is the baby ok? Sami took two tests and both came back positive.” Chase nervously states.

“Oh yes Sami is definitely pregnant, but there seems to be two heart beats instead of one.” The doctor explains.

A Huge smile breaks free on Both Chase and I’s face.

“Congratulations you are having twins.”

After that big shock though out my whole pregnancy Chase did everything for me. Everything. Chase was the one who read the ‘how to be a good dad books’ and ‘labour and the steps’  ‘what not to do or eat during a pregnancy’ at times I often thought the he was going to have these kids. In my 38th week of being pregnant I woke to a puddle of water. Chase had me out of bed and into the car in a matter of moments.

Once I reached the hospital I was already 7cm and doctors had to act fast otherwise I would be having twins in the E.R room. I quickly was moved to a delivery room and was prepped for the birth. And I’m not going to lie, it hurt like a BITCH!


“Oh Sami, after this we aren’t having any more kids.” Chase says

“W-Why not.” I ask between contractions

“I hate seeing you in pain.” Chase said

Then on the 8th of August 2018 at 11.43pm coming in at 5 pound 4 was Stella Rae Mathews, the first of the twins. I could already tell that she was going to annoy her younger brother in the future years to come. Then at 11.55pm weighing 6 pound 5 was our little boy was born. Jude Cole Mathews. And he was a spitting image of his father.

Back to the present day, and Chase was now washing both Stella and Jude in the bathtub seeing as I couldn’t do it.

“Dadda? Why can’t mumma wash us?” Four year old Jude asks.

“Because mummy has your little brother or sister growing inside of her.” Chase explains.

“No thanks to you!” I joke.

“Hey, you weren’t complaining.” My cheeks see crimson.

“When is Ashton's wedding? Is it this weekend or the next?” I ask. After high school Ashton stopping training with my uncle saying it was too hard knowing that Drew was gone. One year later we find out that he met a girl named Laurina, and that they were getting married. You could say it was shotgun wedding considering that Laurina was pregnant and all. Ashton wanted Drew to be there so he made him the best man, and Kyle along with Chase has the honour of holding his picture. Kyle, Kyle is no hurry of sitting down anytime soon, after the news of Michaels’ death, Mrs Black, Kyle’s mother committed suicide saying there was no life without him. We also found out that Mrs Black was talking to Michael, often giving him information on Chase and I.  But enough of that.

“The wedding is next weekend babe.”

Chase got both of the kids dried and put to bed.

“Daddy, I love you with all my lung.” Little Stella says.

What about mummy” Chase asks

“I love mummy to with all my lung too.” Chase and I laugh then turn off their bed light and shut the door.

“Come here Mrs Matthews.” Chase said

I walk over to him and he kisses me. They still give the tingles I had when I was 17 and I'm now 25. I could feel the love and the lust in that kiss. I wrapped my hands around his head, running my cool finger though his silky hair. Chase pulls away.

“How about we practise for kid number four?” He jokes and I gently punch his stomach.

“OW, I was kidding…. Maybe. But hey wanna know something?” Chase asks


“I love you.” My heart fluttered

“I love you too, Mr Badboy.”

And that night when I went to sleep I thought about my life and how it went from getting abused from my step-dad who is now in prison, finding out the Kyle has a step brother, who happened to be Chase. Learning that I had just become pregnant and then being kidnapped by their crazy dad, finding out that an unexpected friend is there to help me and also finding out that I have brother. Then having Drew, Sean and Ryan all die in one night, then becoming pregnant with twins, with one on the way, and maybe one in the future.

And when you think about it, it all started when I fell in love with a bad boy.

The End

~Final Writers Note! ~

THE END! OMG I cannot believe that this book is finished! This is my first book, I started it in March this year and now I have completed it and I'm so proud of myself of doing it. But I’m also proud of the views and the people who have been voting for my book and who have been with me from the beginning. Without you guys I wouldn’t have nearly 10K VIEWS on this book and I would just like thank you guys sooo much. *virtual hugs* but any way, I do have a trailer for this book and that will be posted tomorrow on this book and also on the prologue.

I will also be answering any questions you guys have for me, just leave a comment below and I might answer them on this book. Just letting you guys also know that there will NOT be a sequel. I feel like if I make a sequel I would just ruin the first book. But I do have another book I have started which is called 'Trouble' and you can always read that. This is the longest writers’ note I have ever written but anyway you know the drill:





Love, Peace & all things sweet.


--------> Song to the side.

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