Reverse Flash

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Team Flash all assembled in the the mysterious room as curiousity evoked their thoughts whilst observing it's contents. The room was purely white surrounded by distorted three dimensional circles that seemed to add a touch of sinister but also the perfect decorating design. A single newspaper article is displayed on one of the four walls as Cisco reads,

" Flash missing, vanishes in crisis." Befuddlement was laced in his voice as Barry continued,

"After an epic street battle with the Reverse Flash, our own city's Scarlet Speedster disappeared in an explosion of light." He became frantic as Y/n's voice came into play as she touched his shoulder,

"Barry look at the date." 

"April 25th, 2024. Guys when I fought the Reverse Flash at Christmas, he said that we would be fighting for centuries-"

"Wait, you can't really think that this is from the future?" Caitlin's voice chimed in as Cisco explained further,

"That would mean, Dr. Wells, who ever he is, is also-"

"From the future." Barry looked pessimistic. 

The whole team was trying to comprehend this new found phenomenon whilst Cisco snapped out of his trance to be mezmerized by the future Flash's suit and no doubt that it was designed by him. 

"I have to say, I'm really digging the brighter red suit and the white on the symbol, that's dope. Wait a second. Suppose we now change the colour on your suit, will it be because we got the idea from this picture, that would mean that we are living in a causal nexus, wow, this is so trippy, like Marty and the polaroid trippy." 

Caitlin shook her head as realization struck and added to Cisco's opinion, "Not as trippy as the name on the by line."

"Iris West-Allen." Y/n read with a crack in her voice as Barry quickly turned around to embrace her in his arms but she dashed for the door with Barry hot on her trail. His arms snaked around your waist as you hit his chest staunchly demanding that he let you go but he refused to. 

"Y/n, it's probably fake, I love you." His eyes were reassuring but the newspaper article said otherwise. 

"You've liked, hell even loved her for a long time, I wouldn't be surprised if you true me away for her if she came crawling back, I would just cry." 

Barry's heart broke as he watched his lover's eyes become rheumy and escape from his grip as she exited the building before muttering, "It's Iris, it's always been Iris." 

Barry stood there clueless, not knowing what do at this moment or how to stop you from walking out of this building and possibly his life forever. Just like that, he lost another person that he loved immensely and it was all because of the plans of the Reverse Flash.


Get it because the Reverse Flash wanted to take away everything he loved or was that Savitar but let's just pretend. 

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