Eventful Night

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"Yo tail lights, alpha!" 

"Yeah Larry?" Y/n approached Larry, the man, the myth, the legend, the one who made racing in Central City possible, the one who worked with tail lights and alpha. 

"Yo what's up Larry?" Wally trailed slowly behind. 

"A little slow there tail lights, I guess I didn't see you, you know your tail lights." 

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny. You are not faster than me." 

"Of course I am faster than you, you know you can ask them if you want to, I be they will say yes." 

"Okay Y/n, you need to stop this, it would be a shame if the walking shadow found out wouldn't it?"

"You wouldn't." 

"Oh I would." He stepped closer. 

"Okay, okay. You guys want to now the answer to who's better? This has always been an anticipated race, everyone wants to see you two race but they never do, let's give them what they want." 

"Okay Larry, I'm down." Y/n nodded. 

"Yeah me too." 

"Okay, go gas up your engines." 

They hopped into their cars as they revved their engines and approached the starting line where everyone cheered and made their bets. 

"Get ready to lose alpha." Wally reckoned as his hands gripped the steering wheel and pushed down on the gas pedal. 

"In your dreams tail lights." Their names chanted as they both looked ahead, ready to push off and win this race but in both their minds, they were uncertain about who would win or if there would even be a winner in the first place. 

The gunshot sounded, feet rammed the gas pedals, hands turned the steering wheels with a certain professional form. They were both nearing the finish line, each passing each other at different points along the way but now, they were neck and neck even with the nitrous oxide. 

Suddenly, the road got a little choppy, both hands on the steering wheels now as they were befuddled at the recent callousness of the road. They looked at each other with worry etched in their eyes, too oblivious to see as the pitch grew higher in front of them. 

Everyone watched terrified as they approached, Joe emerged from the crowd with Iris at his side as The Flash ran up behind the two cars, ready to save them before the danger afoot. His hands banged on the cars as he used his speed to stop and startled them in the process. They both looked up, three shocked faces, however, The Flash's eyes seem to bulge much more than theirs as he stared at Y/n with rage in his eyes but it didn't matter in the moment as he urged them to step out of their cars and ran them back, away from the danger. 

Y/n and Wally both shivered under the frightening gaze of Iris and Joe, the more intimidating being from Iris. They turned in horror to the current scene as the asphalt morphed into a man but it didn't take long for The Flash to conquer him and have him imprisoned in the deep depths of the pipeline where he could do no harm to innocent civilians ever again. 

Barry strode into the cortex as Caitlin's arm gently stroked her back before Barry's lecture settled in. His eyes radiated with anger with his hands clutched to his side and heavy breaths. His face red and his veins popping with the occasional grinding of his teeth. 

"What were you thinking?! You could have gotten yourself killed! Why didn't you tell me? You were in danger Y/n, how would you think they would feel if you had gotten injured and I wasn't there to save you? How would you think I would feel?" His eyes softened as he cupped the smooth and teary cheeks of his lover and wiped the tears from her rheumy eyes. 

"I love you so much. Please don't ever put yourself in danger like that again, promise me."


"Promise me." He grabbed her hands and caressed them with his thumbs waiting for her answer. 

"I promise. I love you too." 

He smiled at her and collided their lips, both savouring the taste and wanting more of her for his hands crept to her waist and gave it a gentle squeeze as he ignored the groans from the others as they left the room not ready to see the action that was about to go down. 

"Barry. Barry. Barry!" 


"You need to stop." 


"Barry? Please?"

"Okay, let's go." He said before he changed his suit and walked out with his hand laced around her waist, ready for an eventful night. 


Closest y'all ever going to get for smut from me. 

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