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CC Jitters was all the hustle and bustle on a Monday morning, specifically called Monday Morning Mayhem because everyone was either tired from the weekend or just needed coffee to get through the day. Everyone looked as though they were under frustration, however, only one greeted each passing customer with a smile, Y/n. 

It was a smile that seemed to brighten up the gloomy Monday and the frowns on people's smiles to another just like hers, you could say it was contagious, that's just one thing he admired about her. 

As he waited in line, she caught his eye and blushed intensely as he noticed her staring. She looked down as she made yet another cup of coffee to serve to yet another satisfied customer. He smiled towards her as she already began to make his order, that is to tell you how often he came in here, only to see her before he left for work. 

He grabbed his cup and sat down at his usual spot as he had the perfect view of his dream girl, one Cisco would claim to be out of his league, however, he didn't want to think like that, think about that, instead, he composed a foolproof plan to ask Y/n to go out with him and also thought of all the ways he could mess it up and try his best to avoid it. 

The Monday Morning Mayhem was over by almost twelve and Barry was still there, too occupied with CCPD work to see the barista that he loved so much in front of him. She pulled the chair and let out a little cough that startled him slightly. 

"Hey, hey, hi, um Y-y/n what are you doing here, like here, in this vicinity, like by me exactly." Barry mentally face palmed as his plan already went haywire  whilst the girl directly opposite him smiled and chuckled at his embarrassed state. 

"I just wanted to um, know if you wanted to I don't know, go on a date with me?"

We all know what he said as he exited the coffee shop with right after with his work but before, he took a leap of fate and ran out of there and sped to S.T.A.R Labs to tell the team that the girl he liked asked him out. This was something the team never though would happen, even Barry believed it at one point, after all, it was unexpected. 


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