Chapter 11- Make Up Already!

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Okay, so the gif has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter, but when I saw that I actually snorted, (not just the usual exhale a little more than usual and half smirk.) It is so flipping true! I think Kyoya does this just to bug Tamaki.  I dedicated this to @TheTwoTroubleMakers for their hilarious comments, thank you so much!


It has been two long weeks since I last set foot in this house, and I was not happy to be back. I'm sure the servants were all happy, because they had gotten a week off, but that time flew by too fast. I wasn't ready to face my life, and I really wasn't ready to face my Father, but I didn't really have a choice. If I never stood up to Father, then he would never learn that I am not a rag doll anymore, I had friends who somehow had become my family over the last couple of weeks, and they were the ones who were giving me the strength to walk into my house right now.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. As usual, my butler was standing by, waiting to take my school things. "Miss Risa, it's good to see you again." I didn't respond because I could see from the expression on his face that it was not a pleasure for him. "Your Father's plane has been delayed, so he will be getting home late tonight. He has specific instructions for you to stay in your room for tonight, he will greet you tomorrow."

I nodded, but on the inside, I was jumping for joy, I didn't have to face my Father until after school tomorrow! Any time to prepare was a blessing; I ran upstairs and jumped on my bed, smiling a little as I stared up at the ceiling. It was a coward's way out, but at that moment I didn't care.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the evening, trying to crowd out the memories, fears, and self-doubts that were trying to sneak in. Mitzukuni had helped me learn how defend myself, I would not let him and Takashi down by being weak right now.


School the next day was interesting to say the least. Practice with Mitzukuni and Takashi was one of my hardest days yet; eventually Takashi forced me to stop and I left after being told to rest that day, and we would review everything I had learned tomorrow.

 I wasn't really able to pay attention to the teacher during class, and both Tamaki and Kyoya sent me concerned looks; I guess I wasn't really hiding my nerves all that well. When we went to lunch, I was surprised to see that the fight between the twins had escalated and now they had dyed their hair. If I had been able to, I would have broken down laughing at their stupid decisions, but I was struggling enough as it was.

I decided that enough was enough once Mitzukuni and Takashi started getting thrown around. (Seriously though, who wouldn't freak out a little when two skinny freshmen throw Takashi, the human tree!) As I went to walk out of the cafeteria, Kyoya grabbed my arm and led me to the club room, which was empty right now. "You've been avoiding me long enough, Risa. I know something is going on with you, and it is affecting your health. Why won't you let anyone help you?"

I glared at him, but he just kept staring at me, expecting an answer. Finally, I cracked, "Kyoya, the reason I don't talk to you guys about this is the same reason you don't talk about the issues you are having with your Father and brothers. I have a battle I am fighting, and I am fighting to win, but I need to do this on my own, even if it's just to prove to myself that I can."

Kyoya looked more than shocked at my answer, but when he heard my reason, his eyes softened. "I guess I can't really correct you on that as you do have a point; but Risa, I feel like every time I see you, you get a little bit paler. I am not arguing with your ability to fight your battle, I'm concerned that it might take so much out of you, that when you're finished, you won't be able to pick up the pieces.

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