Another Note...

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Once again, I'm sorry that this isn't an update, but I wanted to address something. I have had a lot of people asking for Risa and Mori to end up together, and though I did toy with that option, at this point in the story, it would make no sense to do that... Sorry, but this is officially a Kyoya story

I have however been playing around with the idea of making another OHSHC story that is about Mori, here's where I would love your help. I would like your input on the plot line that I was thinking about.

The OC (No name yet) is from America, and she travels to Japan to be with her parents as they open up a new branch of their business. She procrastinated learning the Japanese language and culture, like a fairly typical teenage, and because of this she is very lost in her new school.

Obviously, she would be a third year and though she isn't the most social person, she feels a connection to Mori because of her past, which isn't bad, but it was lonely. Despite Mori trying to spurn her, and Honey's matchmaking, she chooses to be his friend no matter what anyone else wants. (There would be no love at first sight.)

There would be other challenges that would arise, but Mori would slowly open up to one of the only people who actually have made an effort to get to know the real him, rather then just the façade he puts on.

Let me know what you think, and any changes you would like to see. (I just came up with this idea twenty minutes ago, so it's pretty rough.

It's either that or I do an AOT or Fairytale fanfic. (Okay, I feel like a hyperactive bunny with everything I have to say in this note, but I could post a list of other anime's I'm planning to a fanfic on, and let you decide!) let me know!

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