Chapter 14- Save Me

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Risa's POV

It's amazing how your sense of time disappears when you can't see the sun. I was only able tell that time passed, by when my Father came down, either with food and water or to beat me; usually it was the latter. For all I knew, I could have been here for weeks or even months.

The first few days weren't as bad. I was locked in my Father's room, but on the third day, he caught me trying to get help by sneaking out the window. After that, he dragged me to the basement and trapped me in a storage room. At this point, I barely noticed the pain, it was dull and boring and my only excitement came from hearing my Father rant about failing to build back up our fortune.

My life had been lowered to such an extent that I was quickly losing the will to live, I know that it wasn't good, but my hopes of being rescued were fading. I thought about the Host club constantly, they were my light; no matter how low I sank, I thought of Mitzukuni asking me to call him and Takashi by their first names, I thought of Haruhi and Kyoya holding me as I sobbed. Kyoya offering a comfort through his silent way, and Haruhi whispering reassurance. I thought of the smile that the twins saved just for me, and the look that Tamaki had on his face whenever he heard me play the piano.

They were my hope, and I would do my best to hold on until they found me, I just hope that they would make it in time.

Third Person POV

The Hosts climbed out of the limo at Risa's house and walked solemnly to the door; when they knocked, it was obvious that they were all holding their breath hopefully, but no one came.

"What do we do now?" Hikaru looked around in worry, and Kaoru continued, "We came here to see her, so should we really give up this easily?"

"Something isn't right here" Kyoya murmured, "I don't know what, but this feels wrong." Everyone nodded then looked at him in shock as he turned around and started walking back to the car.

"Senpai, what are you doing? We came here to see Risa, and you're giving up this easily?" Haruhi looked at Kyoya in shock and grabbed his sleeve before he could reach the limo.

"Well then Haruhi, tell me what we should do. We can't break in, and no one is answering, so our only option is to regroup and come up with a different strategy." He looked utterly defeated, and that alone seemed to prompt the Hosts into sighing and following him with slumped shoulders; well, all of them but two.

There was a sudden loud crack and the Hosts whipped around to see Honey and Mori walking in through the now broken door. "I'm sorry Kyo-chan, but we came to see Ri-chan, and we aren't leaving without so clue of where she went." Honey looked very serious and determined, "besides, I'm getting a bad feeling, and I've been taught to not ignore those. It usually means that something bad is happening.

"Mori scooped up his cousin and turned back around to the Hosts, piercing them with his equally determined gaze, "Risa is in trouble, we need to find her now." With that, the two disappeared into the house and the rest of the Hosts followed behind them looking rather shell shocked.


Their first indication that something was seriously wrong was when they reached what appeared to be the master bedroom. Haruhi gasped, "Are those nail marks on the headboard?" And sure enough, there were deep gouges in the wood, surrounded by a darker substance.

Kyoya surveyed the room grimly, "Yes Haruhi, those are nail marks, which are surrounded by what appears to be blood. This isn't good, there are multiple indicators that someone was seriously injured in here."

Tamaki stood outside the door, not able to bring himself to enter the room, "This is scary, what has Risa been facing here? Why did she not come to us for help?" The mood soured even more are the group considered this.

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