Chapter 27-Kiss and Make-up

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"Kyoya, I'm fine, please just leave me alone." After I had gone to the hospital a few days ago and been told I had a minor concussion, Kyoya had been a major mother hen, and I was ready to murder him.

""Risa, you have to be careful or you could exacerbate the injuries you've received." He said with frustration as he tried to force to sit and stop working.

"I will not! The doctor said to not do any heavy exertion for a week or so, and this isn't heavy exertion. I am going to do the dishes and you will not stop me!" I folded my arms and we glared at each other, having a heated stand-off. What I didn't notice was the rest of the Host club standing off to the side, watching our fight like it was an engaging tennis match.

I sighed and loosened my stance, ready to offer a compromise, but Kyoya spoke first, "Listen Risa, I know that you are really independent, but you obviously don't see that your actions touch more than just you. This has been an issue for a while now, and it needs to stop."

"..." I froze, perhaps he was right, but now was the absolutely worst to say something like that. I walked over to him and grabbed his ear, dragging him to my room so we could get rid of our peanut gallery. He looked furious, but before he could say anything I snapped, "No, you shut up and listen."

"First off, I want you to know that I really do care for you, but right now, I don't like you. You are so flipping demanding and you always think you know best; you barely listen to me, and though I try to compromise, you are stubborn as heck, and won't listen. I was ready to cut you some slack in the kitchen, but then you point that out in front of everyone? And you make it sound like it is all my fault. Heck. No."

"You're being ridiculous Risa: would you please get a hold of yourself?" He had remained passive throughout our fight, and even as he spoke, he was cool as a rock, which started me over the edge, "I honestly don't see why you are so worked up over this, but you really should figure out how to express these feelings without exploding like this."

That did it, "GET OUT!" I screamed at him and pushed him out of my room, "LEAVE BEFORE I PUNCH YOU, AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'm 'SO WORKED UP ABOUT'."

I slammed the door in his face and then stormed to my bed and punched the mattress several times, trying to get rid of my anger, which was overflowing. With one final punch, I sank to my knees and buried my face in my hands and felt my anger ebb and sadness replace it.

This was the first time we had fought, and it was a heart-rending experience, I knew that we would probably be okay in the end, but every one of my emotions was screaming at me that he hated me now, and that he would probably never want to speak to me again.

I heard a knock on my door, but I couldn't the will or desire to answer them; after a few seconds the door creaked open and I heard Haruhi's voice call out, "Risa? Are you in here?" I nodded and felt arms encircle me, "Oh, Risa. I heard what happened, I'm sorry, this must be excruciating for you."

"He's just so... so insensitive!" I cried out on a sob, "I hate fighting with him, but when he made me feel like everything that has happened to me was my fault, I just blew up!" I turned and threw my arms around Haruhi, "Why are emotions so complicated?" I asked quietly.

"I wish I could tell you, but how about you go to sleep right now? I know that this might be the last thing on your mind, but tomorrow we're going to the products expo tomorrow, and that could be a good distraction for you." I nodded slowly and then turned into her hug, releasing all of my emotions before standing and walking to bed.

"Haruhi?" I said quietly, "Thanks for being here for me. I felt so alone and I wanted to be alone, but you helped me feel less trapped."

She just smiled, "Risa, I will always be here for you, that's what sisters are for, right?" I laughed lightly and then climbed into bed ad she left. After the emotional outburst, I was completely exhausted and my mind started to shut down as soon as my head touched the pillow. It took a while for me to fall asleep, but eventually, my consciousness fled and I slept deeply.

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