Chapter 22- Lobelia

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I yawned as I walked into the club room, after Kyoya and my date last night, I had been way to wired to sleep, Ranka had kept me up for at least another three hours, just talking about every little thing that Kyoya did, and then fangirling over it.

After that I was awake until three in the morning, just thinking and reading, so I was really tired today. "Hey Risa, are you okay?" I looked up and saw the twins standing in front of me.

"I'm fine, I just wasn't able to get much sleep last night. I'm just excited for the exposition to be over so we can go back to normal." School had been cancelled that afternoon, because of an exposition for cultural clubs that Ouran was hosting; there had been so much fuss and preparation that if I hadn't been exhausted by last night, the high energy atmosphere would do it.

"Weird, you and Kyoya are both acting really similarly, he is exhausted to, which isn't normal for him to show it this freely." Hikaru said thoughtfully, then they looked at each other and grinned, Kaoru turned to me and said, "Anything you want to tell us Risa?"

Because I was so tired, it took me a second to process what they were asking, but when it did, I slugged them in the shoulder and they both cringed, "You idiots, of course nothing like that happened, get your minds out of the gutter."

"Ah, really? Nothing happened?" They whined, obviously disappointed.

"No, now where's Haruhi, I wanted to talk to her."

Hikaru answered, "We sent her to go get coffee, we were out; she should be back soon!" We all turned as the door opened and there was two girls dressed in a fancy outfit that I identified as the Lobelia Girls Academy uniform.

The mandatory "Welcome" was said by all of the Hosts and Tamaki approached them, dressed in a full suit of armor, "Well, well, well. I see you ladies are from another school, I certainly hope we haven't startled you; we love first-time guests, I'm glad you've come, princesses. My darlings, even if the world were to be destroyed, I'd put my life on the line as your faithful knight and servant; I will protect you."

I groaned and rolled my eyes at the exceedingly cheesy line, and it appeared that the girls shared my sentiments, one of them said condescendingly, "Oh my, do you really think you'll be able to protect us? That's awfully arrogant of you, wouldn't you agree? You think that's what a woman wants to hear? Well you're wrong."

'Finally, someone with at least a bit of a brain on her shoulders.' I thought to myself.

The other one said, "Come on, give him a break, sister Suzuran. Men are just lowly life forms who don't care about anything other than perpetuating their testosterone latent image. By protecting us he's actually attempting to disguise the fact that he is weak and unable of even protecting himself."

'Maybe I spoke too soon' I groaned at the fact that these were a bunch of hard core feminists who believed that men were the lesser beings... Great.

Suzuran giggled, "You're such a clever girl, Hinagiku." I rolled my eyes again, I couldn't see this situation ending well.

Tamaki looked shocked that someone had turned him down so blatantly, "Don't you think that's a little harsh? Fine then, what do women like you want to hear?"

The door opened again dramatically and a woman with the flair of Tamaki burst in, swirling around a very confused Haruhi, "Maybe, something like "I would never leave my lover alone." If we fight, it'll be together. If we fail, we fail together. Even if I were to die, I promise you that I will never leave your side, my love." One of my eyebrows shot up as she bent to kiss Haruhi's hand and the other two girls acted like royalty had just walked into the room.

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